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The player didn't expect that the Storm Shield he was so proud of was destroyed so easily, and he was shocked and forgot to react.

The other two Meteor Mechas had originally planned to launch an attack on Yun Xingze, but they were dumbfounded at this moment.

Storm Shield is not unbreakable.

But no one has ever been able to crush it so easily, even a 3S-level mecha can hardly do it.

For a while, the audience took a breath, and their eyes were both surprised and excited.

"This is too strong!"

"What a terrible mecha...How did the two light knives make?!"

"Into the storm shield can be broken, and the particle cannon can be retreated. This is the perfect weapon!"

"I want such a weapon too!"

"Yun Xingze is awesome!"

After smashing the Storm Shield, Yun Xingze easily chopped down the other two mechas, drove straight in, and went directly to the second stronghold.

This time, Luo Wenchuan came a little slower, more than ten seconds later than Yun Xingze.

Yun Xingze "generally" gave Luo Wenchuan the opportunity to light up, and said to him: "This time it's you. It's not good to let me light up the lights by myself. You can also experience it."

Luo Wenchuan laughed and said: "The first few 6V6 games, when you were away, it was all my lights."

In the NCLM competition, 6V6 has attracted much attention, and the winner of the annual finals is generally regarded as the strongest player in this competition, which will also affect the selection of MVP players.

It can be said that this is the highlight moment that every military academy student longs for.

Yun Xingze didn't want to monopolize this honor alone.

After speaking, Luo Wenchuan pulled out his lightsaber, stood outside the stronghold camp, turned his back to Yun Xingze, and the voice came from the communicator to Yun Xingze's ear: "Don't froze, light the lamp."

Seeing his calm and determined attitude, Yun Xingze was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but curled up his lips, turned and walked into the stronghold camp, and pressed the button on the tall war lamp.

In the second round of the match, Noah's military school wanted to contain Yun Xingze and Luo Wenchuan, but was beaten out of the army.

Yun Xingze's lighting process went smoothly. Before Noah's people arrived, the second stronghold was occupied.

The soaring blue beam lights up.

[The attacking team—Star Marine Academy team successfully occupied the second stronghold, which took 10 minutes and 41 seconds, and the remaining time was automatically added to the next round...] The two rounds of the game ended, and Xinghai only took about 23 minutes.

This means that they still have 37 minutes to occupy the last stronghold.

Generally speaking, the topography of the last stronghold is the most complicated and is most beneficial to the defender.

But at present, it seems that Noah Military Academy has no advantage at all, and there is no way to fight back in front of Xinghai.

As last year's champion, Noah's people naturally hated Yun Xingze who caused all this.

Noah's coach called a timeout and asked the robot to help repair the severely damaged mecha. At the same time, he clenched his fists and said to everyone: "No matter what, you must guard Yun Xingze!"