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Under the eyes of everyone, when Bai Jiashi's light saw attack was about to reach the top of the mechanical beast, it actually... disappeared out of thin air.

Bai Jiashi was stunned for a second. During this second, the speed of the light saw slowed down significantly.

Afterwards, Bai Jiashi gritted his teeth and slashed to the location where the mechanical beast was just now without believing evil, but only slashed into the air.

That ugly cat is really gone.

"How is this possible?" Gamma widened his eyes and said in disbelief, "Did Yun Xingze apply concealed paint to the mechanical beast?"

"But even so, it takes a second or two for the mecha to enter the concealment..." said Dickel on the side, "and there was no sign before the cat disappeared. How can this be done?!"

Gamma frowned, and slowly said, "Perhaps, he is not using ordinary paint."

Everyone in San Klitto heard that they were full of confidence in this game, now they are a little bit hopeless.

No one thought that Yun Xingze had hidden such a big assassin.

The auditorium had already been fried, and everyone looked for the ugly cat, surprised by this sudden scene.

"Where did the cat go?"

"Look, Bai Jiashi is also looking for it."

"How did this happen, his mechanical beast was converted into a shadow mecha?"

"It feels more powerful than the average shadow mecha..."

"Is this nclm or peekaboo contest?"

Bai Jiashi couldn't understand why the cat suddenly disappeared.

Of course, he could not think that the "wave-sensing nano-coating" material that Yun Xingze bought from the material room of the scientific research institute is one of the latest research results of the empire.

When it senses that the huge energy fluctuation is approaching, the coating will respond accordingly and quickly enter the hidden state.

Because there is no need to go through the sensor and the controller, the material itself can complete the induction, and the time required is greatly reduced.

It was as if it had evaporated in an instant.

In addition, this kind of paint has good concealment, and the mechanical beast itself has a small body. After entering the invisibility, Bai Jiashi can't capture its position at all.

"What the hell..." Bai Jiashi frowned, with a rare trace of anxiety on his face, "There is actually this kind of operation?"

After some "peek-a-boo", Bai Jiashi not only failed to catch the mechanical beast, but was stabbed from behind by Yun Xingze a few times, gritted his teeth with anger.

Although Bai Jiashi didn't want to admit it, Yun Xingze's sudden move did make him enter a passive state.

However, Bai Jiashi has rich combat experience. Under such circumstances, he still did not give up looking for opportunities and launched a fierce attack on Yun Xingze again.

When the two mechas fought fiercely, the mechanical beast was still in a hidden state, and everyone almost forgot its existence.

Ke Lei frowned slightly: "Why didn't Xingze Junior Brother's mechanical beast attack? It would be very dangerous for him to continue like this..."

"Maybe it's because of the fear that the mechanical beast will expose its position." Ashili thought about it and said, "So you have to lurch in the arena, look for the right opportunity, and knock down the enemy with one blow."