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Yun Xingze packed up his luggage and was about to sleep when he suddenly received a communication from Yun Changsheng.

Since the last time I met the Yun family, apart from the younger brother named Yun Wu, Yun Xingze has not shown much affection for this family.

After picking up the communication, a holographic image of the Yun family appeared in his room.

The three of them sat opposite Yun Xingze, with different expressions.

"Stars, training during this period is very hard, right?" Yun Changsheng took the lead in greeting, with a smile on his face, "Tomorrow you will go to Noah Star to compete. I hope you can perform well. If the group qualify, Dad will reward you with a mecha."

The younger brother Yun Wu said to Yun Xingze: "Brother, I heard that there are many fun things on Noah Star. Recently there is a garden party. By the way, Noah Star's fruits are also very famous..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Shuang interrupted her. She followed Yun Changsheng's words and said: "What are you playing? Your dad is right. You have to perform well in the competition to improve our Yun family. Prestige, don't let your dad be disappointed in you, understand?"

Both inside and outside are flattering Yun Changsheng.

After listening to what they said quietly, Yun Xingze slightly curled the corners of his lips, his tone was lukewarm: "Thank you for your concern."

Yun Changsheng said a few more words, probably meaning that he wants Yun Xingze to realize his dream of participating in NCLM that year, and he has a bright face when he returns with a good result.

After speaking, Yun Changsheng and Yun Wu left the communication area and went to sleep.

Qin Shuang originally wanted to hang up the communication, but his finger suddenly stopped.

Although it was getting late, she still painted perfect and exquisite makeup, and her beautiful face was undiminished in the communication images.

Seeing that Yun Changsheng and Yun Wu were gone, she changed her flattering housewife's appearance just now, and her tone was cold: "Yun Xingze, let me be honest, you are an Omega, you can only be beaten when you go to NCLM with your strength. Dad is destined to be disappointed."

"Really?" Yun Xingze raised his eyes to look at her, and suddenly chuckled, "Then why didn't you say it just now?"

"Your dad doesn't like to listen. He brags everywhere now that even his Omega son can turn on armor, so Yunwu will definitely become a general-level figure in the future." Qin Shuang said slowly, "In general, you too It’s done something that surprised me."

In front of Yun Changsheng, Qin Shuang lowered his eyebrows and was pleasing to his eyes. He had no opinion or was even cheesy. He was a somewhat noisy, standard housewife Omega.

But when Yun Changsheng was away, she spoke sharply, with a pair of eyes showing the demeanor of a strong woman.

Yun Xingze remembered that when he broke off his engagement with Chi Yu that day, Qin Shuang also looked like this. It is no wonder that the original owner was scared when he saw her and obeyed her.