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Yun Xingze's voice came from behind Luo Wenchuan: "What a coincidence, Senior Luo."

Luo Wenchuan's heartbeat missed half a beat. He turned his head to look at the boy, his Adam's apple rolled, and said calmly: "... coincidence."

Chi Yu saw this scene in the distance, frowning tightly. He didn't know why Yun Xingze cared so much about that O-fearing Huangxingtu Baozi, so he ran to look for him.

Yun Xingze must have done this to **** him off, right?

Chi Yu thought so in his heart, his eyes burning with jealousy, his fists could not help being clenched, his teeth were grinded, and Luo Wenchuan's eyes were full of hostility.

"I happen to have something to look for you." Yun Xingze looked at Luo Wenchuan's eyes and curled the corners of his lips slightly, "Are you free now?"

Luo Wenchuan was stunned.

In the next second, his gaze crossed Yun Xingze and gently swept across Chi Yu's body. After a while, he retracted his gaze and said faintly: "Yes. What's the matter?"

Yun Xingze didn't notice the look in Luo Wenchuan's eyes looking at Chi Yu, and said to him: "I thought of a plan to modify the dual-star mecha, but it needs some special materials. I wonder if you can help me find it?"

Yun Xingze knew that Luo Wenchuan often went to do bounty missions outside the school, so he must be knowledgeable and ask him to get the answer.

Luo Wenchuan was about to say "I will try my best to help you" when he suddenly noticed that Chi Yu was coming here.

So he changed his mind and said to Yun Xingze: "Since it is related to your plan, how about another place?"

Yun Xingze nodded without thinking.

Luo Wenchuan left with Yun Xingze. Before turning around, he looked at Chi Yu with deep meaning in his eyes.

Seeing the two of them leave together, Chi Yu seemed to be escaping from him, and suddenly became even more angry. He couldn't wait to rush up and question why Yun Xingze and Luo Wenchuan were so close?

Yun Xingze followed Luo Wenchuan to his exclusive warehouse, and Luo Wenchuan said to him: "Look for it first to see if there is any."

Yun Xingze looked at it roughly, shook his head, and looked at Luo Wenchuan: "I have basically memorized all the materials that can be used in your warehouse. There is no one I want."

"So, what kind of materials do you need?" Luo Wenchuan asked, looking at Yun Xingze.

Yun Xingze replied: "I need a metal with very special properties. It can maintain an extremely strong state under normal conditions, but when it encounters electromagnetic induction, it will quickly change its shape and become whatever I want. shape."

This metal has long been developed in Yun Xingze's original world. It is an expensive alloy. It is often used when refitting mechas. He has never used it less in his previous life.

But Yun Xingze didn't know if there was such a metal in this world.

"Are you talking about magic silver?" Luo Wenchuan gave the answer after thinking for a while.

Yun Xingze was overjoyed when he heard this: "Really?"

Luo Wenchuan felt that Yun Xingze was a genius, and he was not even sure whether this kind of metal was available, so he wanted to modify it. But he didn't think too much, just said: "The properties of magic silver are very similar to what you said, but it is difficult to buy."

"It's hard to buy... how difficult is it?" Yun Xingze suddenly heard these four words, "cocked" in his heart.

Luo Wenchuan stared at Yun Xingze for a while, and replied: "Actually, it should be said that you can't buy it. In the entire Imperial Capital, the amount of magic silver that can be used for modification does not add up to a few kilograms."