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Chi Yin's expression—shocked at first, slowly changed to flustered.

When Jin Xuan finished speaking, the eyes of the audience seemed to be questioning him, making his hands and feet cold.

The reaction of Yun Changsheng and Qin Shuang was more intense than that of Chi Yin.

"Xingze, Xingze...he invented a mental power amplifier?!" Yun Changsheng said in amazement. He looked at Yun Xingze as if he was looking at a stranger.

In the next second, Yun Changsheng pinched himself forcefully. The pain made him realize that this was not a dream.

Qin Shuang's premonition just now came true

Yun Xingze not only entered the research institute, but also not as an intern at all...

He is the "big guy" Chi Yin-zhi said.

Chi Yin was obviously aware of this, and his face was flushed and white.

Even after killing him, he couldn't think of it, the "big guy" he wanted to cheat after all this time was Yun Xingze!

For Chi Yin, who looked down on the Yun family and used Yun Xingze as a marriage tool, it was tantamount to a brittle slap that dazzled his tinnitus.

Yun Changsheng was overjoyed, and even his fingers were shaking.

However, the contemptuous eyes of the researchers and Yun Xingze's indifferent eyes seemed to pour cold water on him.

"Xingze should give his skills to the Yun family?" Yun Changsheng suppressed his excitement, swallowed, and asked Qin Shuang next to him nervously, "After all, we are a family..."

Qin Shuang did not answer Yun Changsheng's question, she frowned slightly, her expression not optimistic.

"Thank you all for participating in the press conference today. I am Yun Xingze." The boy sat in the C position of all the researchers. His tone was flat. The scars on his neck have faded a lot, but he is still dazzling. "About the mental power amplifier, you still have What do you want to ask?"

"Yun Xingze, are you really the inventor of the amplifier?"


"Excuse me, what materials are mainly used in this amplifier? Is it expensive?"

"The materials are confidential, and fraud is not expensive."

"Will the relevant technology be made public?"

This last question is of concern to everyone, and everyone here held their breath, earnestly waiting for Yun Xingze's answer.

Yun Xingze looked at the reporter's eyes, and replied calmly: "I don't plan to make it public for the time being."

—The president of the Mecha Company couldn't help but ask loudly:

"Then will you cooperate with other companies, or do you only license this technology to the Yunjia Changsheng Mecha Company?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Changsheng looked at Yun Xingze expectantly. He believed that this child would not let himself down.

"Cooperation will start, but there are conditions." Yun Xingze looked at the people in the audience, and immediately looked at the live footage, "At present, this technology patent is in my-personal hands. I know that many people want to be authorized, but... …"

All the people at the scene and those who watched the live broadcast were waiting for Yun Xingze to say his conditions.

"I request the Legislative Yuan to abolish the'highly matched AO must be married' regulation in the marriage bill."