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Looking at the news pictures on Guangnao, Chi Yin couldn't believe it.

He was still taunting Luo Wenchuan last second, and his fingers began to tremble slightly.

The sound from behind made him sweat.

As soon as Luo Wenchuan's voice fell, the others were also stunned for a few seconds, and immediately reflected the meaning of his words.

Soon, Yu Wan, Chi Yu, and the Yunjia couple hurriedly turned on Guangnao to check the royal press conference they had just missed because of the engagement banquet.

When that handsome and familiar face appeared in the news, everyone looked at Luo Wenchuan sitting on the bench in amazement.

It's like seeing a ghost.

Chi Yin was the first to react. He deserves to be an old fox who has been in the military for many years. He has a deep mind. He immediately knelt on one knee and apologized to Luo Wenchuan: "The subordinates have eyes and no beads, and the crime deserves death! During this time, the subordinates are busy. In response to military affairs and Inuzi’s engagement banquet, he failed to catch up with the royal press conference. In addition to the talents of the Second Royal Highness, he did not look like Huang Xing grew up at all, so his subordinates looked away..."

Between words, he not only expressed his merit in the military department, but also transformed the ridicule just now into flattery to Luo Wenchuan.

However, this set does not seem to work here in Luo Wenchuan.

"What kind of people should Huang Xing grow up like?" Luo Wenchuan calmly raised his eyes and asked casually.

Chi Yin felt tremendous pressure from Luo Wenchuan's calm tone. He didn't expect this new heir to ask.

As a general, he naturally couldn't say discriminating against the people of Huangxing, so he had to change the subject: "I didn't expect to see the Second Highness here today. It is really an honour for the subordinates. It makes the subordinates extremely happy..."

"Then you are happy." Luo Wenchuan stared at Chi Yin's eyes and said word by word, "General Chi Yin, you use your power to obtain information from the scientific research institute, and use it to make transactions to make the core technology of the empire There is a risk of leakage—"

"This alone is enough to revoke your position and even kill you. Understand?"

Chi Yin's legs became weak when he heard the words. He was kneeling on one knee instead of kneeling on both legs.

Yu Wan and Chi Yu were also very frightened, but when they looked at Luo Wenchuan's narrow and majestic eyes, they didn't even dare to say a word of excuse.

"Second, Your Majesty, I... My subordinates have never revealed the core technology," Chi Yin sweated coldly, trying to maintain his composure, but there was still a tremor in his voice. "The techniques that subordinates said are all hearsay. …"

"I will naturally learn from it." Luo Wenchuan looked at Chi Yin and said in a cold voice, "What you should bear, you will bear it in the future."

From his tone, apart from threats, Chi Yin also heard a bit of disgust.

And this abhorrence was enough to put the glory that the Chi family had always maintained in danger of crumbling.

Chi Yin quickly realized that Luo Wenchuan hated the Chi family so much because he liked Yun Xingze.

"Your Majesty, what happened today is not what your subordinates want to see," Chi Yin clenched his fingers into a fist, changed his tone of mockery to the Yun family just now, and said in a painful tone, "Xing Ze did this, and the subordinates are also very sad. The subordinates are willing to contribute everything to Xingze's recovery, even if he is taken care of by the bedside!"