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Yun Xingze input his mecha data and the data of the players most likely to play in the individual match in San Klitto into the prediction software, and the final result did not exceed 40%.

If you add in some other uncertain factors, such as San Klito player's aggressiveness and insidious methods, then his winning rate may be even lower.

This is enough to prove that San Klitto's individual players are very strong.

Yun Xingze is training these days while thinking about a response plan.

A lot of plans have been thought up, and there will be no way to determine it for a while, but his mental and physical strength have improved very quickly.

Even Luo Wenchuan was surprised at the speed of improvement.

After three days, Richard tested the mental power of the players as usual. Yun Xingze's A-level mental power progress bar reached 59%, and Luo Wenchuan's eyes flashed with surprise.

When I was tested at school last time, Yun Xingze's mental power had just reached A level, and the progress bar was basically empty.

And now it has reached more than half of Grade A?

"What did you kid grow up with?" Richard stared, and for a moment forgot to record the data. "Is the water and soil of Noah's planet especially suitable for you? This speed is too scary."

Auriel was almost crying on the side. He was a Grade A mental power when he was in high school. It took more than a year to reach over 85% of Grade A. Yun Xingze quickly followed him casually.

Is this really the mental power of omega?

"If this goes on, maybe I can reach the S rank before the final." Ashley said thoughtfully from the side, "If it comes true, Xingze can become a trump card."

Richard nodded and agreed with her: "No one would have thought that an A-level Omega could rise above S in such a short time."

In the following physical fitness test, Yun Xingze's physical strength also rose to A level.

This is a major breakthrough, and it is worthy of his hard training during this period of time.

After the training, Luo Wenchuan said to Yun Xingze: "It seems that the devil training for more than half a month is very effective."

"I’m not surprised when my physical fitness has risen to A." Yun Xingze took the initiative to take out the towel and wiped the sweat from Luo Wenchuan’s forehead casually. Category……"

Having said this, Yun Xingze curled the corners of his lips and looked at Luo Wenchuan's narrow eyes: "Thank you."

When the towel in Yun Xingze's hand touched Luo Wenchuan's forehead, he could not help but swallow. Immediately, he said calmly: "No thanks, I just want to make you fatter."

Yun Xingze was slightly startled, his fingers loosened, and the white towel almost fell to the ground.

Luo Wenchuan seemed to sense the fluctuations in his heart, grasping his wrist without a trace, after a while, slowly moving up, and taking the towel.

"It can't make people think that I treat my mecha division harshly." Luo Wenchuan said with a smile while wiping his sweat.

"You are a good boss of the empire." Yun Xingze gave a thumbs up to his vote.

After a while, Yun Xingze remembered something, and said with some confusion: "However, the progress bar of mental power has risen so much all at once, which is strange to me."

Luo Wenchuan wiped his sweat slightly. He frowned and said: "Indeed, there has never been a player in history who can raise his mental power from A to S during the competition... Will it be a accumulation? Suddenly broke the bottleneck recently?"