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Yun Xingze heard Luo Wenchuan's dull voice and asked in surprise: "Senior Luo, have you been here for me for a long time?"

Luo Wenchuan's eyes flashed unnaturally, pretending to be calm and replied: "...passing by."

At this moment, in addition to Yun Xingze and other people practicing in the simulation room, as well as Luo Wenchuan, the other school team members had already left, and the training hall seemed empty.

Yun Xingze didn't think much, put away his sweaty towel, and said to Luo Wenchuan, "That's quite a coincidence. It's getting late, do you want to have dinner together?"

Luo Wenchuan let out an "um". Although his voice was still dull, it sounded slightly softer than before.

After arriving in the canteen, the two had a meal. Luo Wenchuan sat in front of Yun Xingze and suddenly said: "I went to Richard in the afternoon and said that if the teammates are not well coordinated, the team competition will be difficult. win."

"Then what did he say?" Yun Xingze asked.

Luo Wenchuan handed a drink in front of Yun Xingze and inserted a straw. Then he pursed his lower lip and looked at Yun Xingze: "He said that the three singles cannot be changed. Ke Lei, Sato En and Ou Rui were last year. Team teammates, the three of them have cooperated very well, so they can't change."

Yun Xingze took a sip of his drink, his Adam’s apple rolled, and said after a moment: “So in the final analysis, he feels that my strength is not good, and it is impossible to cooperate with his teammates. It is better to let Karebo and Chi Yu lead me, so that I can still win. Hope-does that mean?"

Luo Wenchuan's long, narrow black eyes looked at Yun Xingze, and he was silent for a long time. He said word by word: "He underestimated your strength."

Yun Xingze took a bite of the meatballs and said indifferently: "Although I hate Chi Yu very much, but..."

Luo Wenchuan paused slightly when he held the chopsticks.

"Since Richard thinks so, then I can only prove my strength and strive to play the singles next time." Yun Xingze's eyes have a bit of firm light.

Luo Wenchuan stared at Yun Xingze for a while, then said solemnly: "Well, it's all Richard's fault."

No matter what happens, Luo Wenchuan seems to always stand firmly on Yun Xingze's side, which makes Yun Xingze a little surprised.

He originally thought that a captain like Luo Wenchuan would persuade him to put the overall situation first.

After all, in his impression, Luo Wenchuan has always been a steady, reliable, calm and intelligent senior, and it is absolutely impossible to say "it's all the coach's fault".

Yun Xingze thought, this is probably a way for Luo Wenchuan to comfort him.

Although it was comforting, it also made him feel better.

After eating, Luo Wenchuan sent Yun Xingze back to the dormitory.

Before going upstairs, Yun Xingze suddenly heard Luo Wenchuan's voice behind him: "Did you forget?"

Yun Xingze was stunned, he immediately understood what Luo Wenchuan was talking about.

However, he pretended not to know, and then asked, "What?"

Luo Wenchuan saw Yun Xingze's appearance that he had forgotten behind his head.

After pursing his lips for a while, he covered the dullness in his eyes, and said word by word: "Help me refit."