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"This mecha..." Noah's captain was stunned for a few seconds, his eyes filled with disbelief, "What mecha? Lightsaber? Meteor? Isn't Yun Xingze driving that tattered double star? !"

He wasn't the only one, the others who saw the mecha were all in confusion.

The whole body of this mecha was dark silver, with a low-key and powerful aura. There are two weapons hidden behind the mecha, which looks like a lightsaber mecha, but the modification of the hand has more guns, just like a meteor mecha.

The lines of the whole mecha are very smooth, and the details of the design are also unseen by everyone. The word "simple" is brought to the extreme. Almost every joint is hidden under special materials, and there is no weak point that can be attacked.

Many of the above accessories, even experienced mecha fans can't name them.

For example, the head of the mecha is wrapped in a black "helmet" made of a special material, and no one can see what this "helmet" does.

It just stood like that, with a murderous aura of a new-generation warrior about to pull out his sword.

The reason why everyone can't tell the level of this mecha is because it looks very powerful, yet very simple, and has a "returning to basics" beauty.

"Xingze, when did you modify the mecha..." Richard was stunned for a while, and then said, "It looks much better than before. What kind of mecha is it?"

"When I was in the research institute, I used the original mecha to modify." Yun Xingze replied calmly, "As for what kind of mecha it is...I haven't thought of a name for the time being."

I haven't thought of a name yet.

In a short sentence, Xinghai's contestants fell into silence collectively.

Ke Lei opened his mouth and stumblingly said: "You, do you mean it, this mecha is, it's you... the new mecha invented??"

Luo Wenchuan had heard about Yun Xingze's plan before, knowing that he would develop technology in the research institute and invent a new type of mecha, and this new type of mecha is also a powerful weapon for expanding the company.

Yun Xingze curled the corners of his lips and nodded slowly.

Everyone looked at the medium mech in shock and curiosity, completely unaware that they were witnessing history.

The audience who watched the live broadcast of the game were also taken away by this strange mecha at the moment.

They sighed in the stands:

"This mech looks too handsome."

"What kind of material is it made of? What fighting method is used?"

Hebrew was surprised: "Is it a new type of mecha? This is unlikely!"

"Why is it impossible?" Cheng Jun recovered from his surprise and said slowly, "With Yun Xingze's strength, the Research Institute will definitely support him in developing new mechas."

Bai Jiashi on the side also showed an interesting expression:

"Now, the game becomes very interesting."

At the same time, the audience discovered that the "ugly cat" that had followed Yun Xingze's mecha had disappeared.

Callebo also asked specifically: "Xingze, where is your cat?"

"Let it take a break." Yun Xingze replied casually.

Callebo pursed his lips, disappointment flashed across his eyes.