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When five decelerating guns hit Yun Xingze at the same time, everyone thought that he would be hit.

However, Yun Xingze leaped in the air, evading these five decelerating bombs in succession, and each one could be passed by his waist, which was frightening.

What surprised the audience the most was that Yun Xingze not only dodged the deceleration bomb, but the mechanical beast on his back jumped to the ground at no time, and flexibly shuttled through the artillery fire. In an instant, he came to Su Zinan's mecha not far away.

"What's the matter with that cat, Yun Xingze still has the energy to control it?"

"The mainframe and reconnaissance mechas are hiding from the gunfire. This is incredible!"

"I can't believe that it is a mechanical beast..."

Su Zinan thought that Yun Xingze would be hit by the decelerating shell, but he didn't expect that all of them would be hollowed out, and she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable in her heart. He saw the stupid cat rushing towards him, and sneered at it and pointed the gunfire at it: "What rags dare to compete?"

However, before Su Zinan’s artillery fire had time to fire, the mechanical beast suddenly jumped up, and while jumping, it forcefully threw out two gleaming chain swords, quickly entangled Su Zinan’s shoulder joints, and moved the chain sword to itself. It turned into a slingshot and hit Su Zinan's forehead fiercely with a loud noise.

This is the move Yun Xingze has studied in the previous game. He replaced the chain sword of the mechanical beast with a new one, so the strength is more sufficient than before, and Su Zinan will be beaten even more painful.

Su Zinan's brain felt the collision. Although this part of the pain was blocked by the mecha a lot, he still had a sense of shame that he was hammered in the head. At the same time, he felt a huge pulling force on his shoulder.

Afterwards, Su Zinan stepped back, gritted his teeth, and directed all firepower at the mechanical beast.

Taking advantage of Su Zinan's offensive rhythm was disrupted, Yun Xingze's host armor rushed to the meteor mecha and opened the long-range artillery.

His artillery fire is small, so it is necessary to save it, so it must be aimed.

Su Zinan sensed that Yun Xingze was going to use long-range artillery to attack, and immediately stared at his every move, ready to evade at any time.

Yun Xingze fired a particle cannon, and Su Zinan was worthy of being a substitute for the A+ school team. Under the interference of the mechanical beast, he brushed past the cannonball.

Lu Ranxu clenched his fists in the stands and sweated his palms, feeling a pity that Yun Xingze missed this attack.

After evading the attack, Su Zinan quickly launched the second round of offensive against Yun Xingze.

It didn't take long for Yun Xingze to breathe, and he was forced to avoid it again.

And this time, Su Zinan's artillery fire was even worse than at the beginning. The audience suddenly felt that Yun Xingze must have no move at this time.

Eight minutes into the game, Su Zinan's artillery fire became more and more intense.

Yun Xingze still seems to be at a disadvantage.

Olier nervously asked Zhuo Feiyue: "Teacher, Xingze, should he give up now? What if Su Zinan is like last time..."

"The double star mecha is essentially restrained by the meteor mecha." Zhuo Feiyue watched the game deeply, "because no matter which mecha is hit, it will cause a lot of damage. Xingze can be so violent in Su Zinan. It’s not easy to stay calm under the offensive and have not been hit once."