Chapter 1. How it begin

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Jayda POV

I'm in my crib looking at my toys that are hang above me. I see something move in the dark. I looked to see what it is, which was a woman. I look up at the woman hovering over. She reaches for me takes my out of my crib. She reaches for the door but stop when she hears another voice coming. Once the voice is gone, she turn the door and- gco

"Jayda! Wake your ass up! It time to get ready" My mom yelled at me.

I got out of bed and pulled out my outfit(media), hop in the shower for 10 minutes, got up did my morning routine, put my clothes on and walked downstairs.

Wait where are my manners, I'm Jaylan S. Thompson. I'm a senior at Walenford high school in Greenwich, Connecticut where I live with my mom Shayla, my sister Lavera, and my dad Issa.

Anyways I follow the smell of eggs and bacon down the stairs and see my sister Lavera sitting there eating her food, while she played on the phone.

"Morning Lav" I said as I grab orange juice and an avocado.

"Hey Jay" she said calling me by my nick nameup
I cut the avocado into slices and eat then with my eggs and bacon as Lavera looked on with disguise. I sallowed my food before saying

"Didn't ma say it not nice to look at people while then eating!" I said as a pick up one of the slices and threw it into my mouth.

"Ugh! I don't understand how you can eat that!"

"It simple really, you just open your mouth, put it in there, chew, and then sallow" I said with a grin

"What ever" She push her food to the side, and get up to leave. I was going to ask if she needed a ride. Before she said

"I don't need a ride" she walked out the door.

I finish with my food and headed out the door until my dad stopped me.

"Hey Jayda" he smile

"Hey dad and my name isn't Jayda it Jaylan!" I could never understand why he insist on calling me that.

"I know sweetie. I want you to have a good day at school, okay ?" He looked into my eyes.

"Okay dad" I smiled

"Okay *walks away but stops* Oh I've been hearing someone been bothering you... Is this right?" He ask with his eyebrow sightly raised, kind of like he was trying to look into my soul.

"No dad" I turned making my way to the door.

"Okay sweetie, let me know okay?"

"Sure" I yelled as I closed the door.

I got in my car and put in my Nine Inch Nails' CD and blasted "The hand the feeds". It weird I like music from the late 90's to the early 2000's.

I pulled into Dunkin Donuts drive-thru and waited for the line to go down. I switched the CDs to Deftones's song "Change" (AN: Not sure what you are into but this song is ..awesome). I pulled out of the drive thru and made my way to school. I got out my car only to be greeted by the thot squad.

"Look at this bitch!" I hear Marisa and her lap dogs snicker as I walked by.

I continue to walk with the hopes of me not having to go there with them today.

"Think she the shit cause she got green eyes and light skin-gco"

"Shut the fuck up loose pussy thot" I shouted back.

"Ah shit" someone said in the background

"Fuck you say" Marisa gnarled.

Before I can say anything I heard a guy voice in back of me say.

"Marisa shut your pussy ass up"

I didn't know who was that said that but by the look on Marisa's face it was someone to be feared.

"Yeah sure thing Muhammad" she said as she walk off. I tired to walk away but I was pull back by my arm.


OK first chapter , next one is Sarah's POV.

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