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Jaylan POV

I walked over to Muhammad whose was sitting over the window that veiwed half of the town, since our school is on a hill.

"Hey Mu (sounds like Ma) " I walked and hug him.

"Hey LanLan" he hug me tightly. We both sat down and got out our notes.

I wasn't in the mood to look over notes nor talk because my mind was to stuck on how the two people I though were mine finds can betray me.

"Is everything okay?" Muhammed asked. I guess he notice me not talking as much.

I sighed. Well...

Muhammad POV

"Well.. I haven't talked to Lafera in a long time, and Siya is now friends with Marisa."

I studied her face as she spoke. It seem like she tried to hide the sadness in her voice.

Man , I hate Marissa for this.

I listened the more she talked about her she didn't care about it, but I can tell that it hurt a lot.

I placed my hand on her chin show she can face me.

"Hey, you can't let it show that it getting to you. You gotta stay strong." I smiled as she started to smile then laugh again.

God I love her smile.

Jaylan POV

"Thanks Mu" I said smiling.

The bell ring letting us know it was time to go.

I went up to my locker and a note fall out. I open it and it read.

Do you really want to get involved with that guy. I mean his girlfriends always come up missing... You should ask Lafera , she'll tell you.


Resse POV

Ever since I got back from college I've been training with my aunt ,Raven, so I can hunt down y sister.

*falls to the ground*

"You need to work on planting your feet better so you won't fall" Auntie Raven helped me up.

"So how's everything going with Sarah?" She arch her right brow.

"She somewhat okay, I guess she still haven't fully recovered.... Did you found out where Jayda might be?" I bit down on my bottom lip. It something I would when I really want to know about something.

"Yes, I don't know exactly but I do know she somewhere in Connecticut."

"Okay what is the next step?" I had a little excitement in my voice.

I finally get to see my sister.

"Next step is for us to locate where she could be, I got a few connections out there that might be of help to us."


Both me and Raven walked back in the house to get something to drink and then it back to training.

August POV

I sat in my man crave looking thought a book of photos of me and Sarah, before we had the kids. And looking back from it I notice how during the transition of our relationship Sarah went from smiling to frowning. I hope founding Jayda will bring back happiness back to my baby once again.

Jaylan POV

It the beginning of last period and I was ready for the bell to ring. Today sucked Siya and Marissa must be intent on making my life or at least my high school life a living hell. They kept picking on me with all the classes I'm in. Ugh! I put my head down hoping I can some quiet until the teacher cleared his throat.

"Oh , everyone we have two new students .. Um I'm sorry what are you're names again?"

I looking and saw to Spanish girls well looked mixed. One have the prettiest eyes ever and the other had red hair.

"Well my name is Royalyn and this *pointing to pretty eyes* is my cousin Moanna." She said with an attitude and a tad of a neck roll.

Everyone in the room looked at them kind of stank. But for some reason I grin. In facted I laughed out laugh. Something about them was a fresh of breath of air. Besides people here are prudes. I place my head back down... Fuckers.

"Well then why don't you talk a seat next to our surprising out spoken student Jaylan. Jaylan!"

"Huh?" I pop my head back up.

I look up and see the two girls walking in my direction. Pretty eyes I mean Moanna waved at me as she smiled.

I put my head down which I guess I fell asleep because the next minute I woke up to hear the bell ring.

"Nice to see you up sleeping beauty." Royalyn said as Moanna laughed.

I rolled my eyes as I got up to leave.


So chapter 7 ?

You like?

Royalyn, Moanna, and Shayla (plastic surgery face) in media


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