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Reese POV

I just flew into Connecticut form N.O to see the progress my aunt and twin cousin were doing.

I walked into the airport pulling onto my little amount of luggage that I have. I put my bag down and scan the airport for any sign of the twins. I stopped looking for them when I noticed that they weren't here yet. so I went and I grabbed my luggage and moved over to where the seats are. I was just about to pull out my phone when I heard my name being called. I looked up in the direction and so my cousins Gina and Jojo. I ran up and hugged them.

"Oh my gosh what y'all been up to?" I said as a smile spread across my lips.

"Well we been staying with mom and on the look out for Jayda ..." Gina dragged the a in Jayda name as she looked back at her twin.

I watched as they exchange facial expressions. It almost looked like they were having a conversation between the two of them. I open my mouth getting ready to ask what was going g on when JoJo spoke up.

"Yeah we found Jayda, but I don't think she knows us let remember us. " she looked back at Gina then looked back at me.

"And she goes by Jaylan. She's actually in our program for trouble youth." Gina said

I gasp "She trouble?" I place my hand over my chest.

What did that bastard do?!

"No she's not, she just into a fight. That's all." Gina quickly said

I stood there in still disbelief.

Why would she been fighting?

"Plus the bitch deserve it. Ow"Jojo grabbed her arm and shot an evil look at Gina. Gina grilled her back.

"Well anyway, Jayda a straight A student. And she very nice." Gina shifted her gaze from her sister back to me.

"Wait Gina did you just pitched her?" I furrowed my brow.

"Oh yes I did with a quickness." She said smiling.

"Okay, let's go. My neck and back hurt from last night." I started walking toward the exit with Gina and Jojo hot on my trail.

"Ooooh, What you do last night?" Jojo asked with a wink on 'last night'

I laughed "Why do you think everything is so sexual? I mean there stuff to do than sex" I looked at her as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're right. There's always playing twister in the nude." Gina chime in.

"Guys no, I was helping out at the self defense training site." I said shifting my gaze from Jojo and Gina.

"Oh right!" Jojo said with exsragaratting as she raise her eyebrows

"Ugh Whatever!" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Let's go" I said as I hopped in the Range.

"So what we are going to do for tonight?" I ask while strapping in my belt.

"Well We gonna go out and turn up" Jojo giggles as she twerking in her seat.

"Aye" as I giggled and get my twerking on in my seat.

"I don't know about yall but I'm starving. Are y'all hungry? " Gina said as she pulled up to a dinner.

"Yeah" Jojo rub her stomach

"Yeah I would something to eat too" I nodded in agreement.

We all exit the car and walked into the dinner and sat at a table. While we were waiting for a waitress I notice a guy with tatts and blonde hair looking at me. I observed the guy not because he looking at me but because he looks familiar.

I've seen this guy from somewhere.....

I continue to look until he pulled out his phone and walked out to ask it.

Hummm .... I know that guy..


Well this is part one. Vote for part 2.

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