Chap 17. Coming Under Wraps

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I stood there feeling so dumb and played by Mu.

I thought he about me...

"Jaylan .... I can explain" he exclaimed as he tried to reach for wrist.

Feeling the hot tears blurred my vision, I back away.

"How could you... She was my friend." My bottom lip quivered.

He stood there shock and a bit flabbergasted.

"I... I..I'm sorry" he scratched the back of his head.

I can feel eyes on me as the situation unfold right before my eyes.

Why me? I lost my mother, my sister, and father and the one person I had fucked one of my best friends and she pregnant.....
I feel dumb...

I turned around so I can walk away from him.

"Jaylan, Jaylan!" I felt a tug at the sleeve of my shirt.

On instinct I turn and slapped him as everyone in the hallway grasped.

"Oh shit!" Someone yelled

I turned and ran out through the thick crowd of students as my tears fell hopelessly. I tanned to the nearest stalk and cried my eyes out in til I heard a voice calling out to me.

"Jaylan, baby look I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to happen" realizing it Muhammed's voice I lock the stall I was in and pull my feet up my chest and hope he go away.

Trying my hardest to suppress my tears and looked up at the door to only see Mu pecking in the crack of the door.

"Baby, open up" he started jiggling the door.

(A/n see what I did there?)

"No!" I said sharply "What hell are you doing in the girl bathroom anyway!? Why won't you just leave me alone." I felt my blood boiling under my skin as my temper started to raise.

"Baby come on open dis damn doe!" He shook the door harder as his voice changed almost into an accent.

The fuck?!

"Is this Muhammed?" My anger went straight to fear.

"Yes Jayda!" He let out a breathe of frustration.

What the actual fuc-

I swing the door to a grimacing Muhammed.

What the hell is going on...

"Jayda?!, who the fuck is sh-"

Before could even finish my sentence, I felt something sharp poking my leg then everything went black.


*Sarah's dream setting: in the fogging wood at night time where you can hear crickets and owls howl. She lost and confused while trying to found her way out. She saw the entrance, she a girl cries.*

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