Chapter 2. The After Math

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Sarah POV

"Mommy" I heard a little girl called for me

"I'm here sweetie" I tired to looked for her as I ran in the foggy woods

"Mommy, where are you ?" I heard the voice change from high pitch to a low tone

"I'm here " I tired to follow it only to start where I was in the beginning.

"Mommy where are you? I'm scared" her voice now a teenager.

"It okay Jayda, mommy is coming." I finally reached her. Her back my turned towards me. I placed my hand on her shoulder and made her turned to me only to see Shayla face.

"Did you really think you was going to find her that easily." She grinned evilly.

"Where is she ?" I shouted and push her, but she disappeared.

"What make you I'll tell you that?" She voice boomed through the fog.

"You're gonna tell Me where she is!" I screamed at the sky.



a scream pierce the sky.

"Mommy help m-"

It sounded like she was cut off.

"Jayda, JAYDA!!"

I jumped up from my bed to see August looking at me with concern.

"Bae, you okay?"

"Yeah I guess" I sniffed a little trying to hold the tears back.

"Wat wrong?" He pulled me closer as he rub his thumb on my cheek.

"I want my baby girl back" I broke down.

"It aight be bae, we'll found ha. I promise." He hugged me .

"Com on, we got tah go eat" he said he get up from the bed.

We walked down stairs in to the kitchen as we talked about Reese coming home from college.

"Hey ma" Jr Jr waved at both me and August while eating captain crunch berry cereal.

"Hey baby" I hugged him from behind.

"Hey mom did you sleep well?" He asked.

I looked at my son and saw concern in his eyes.

"I slept well, why you asked?" I look back at him.

" I notice the bags under your eyes. Plus I hear you yelling in your sleep."

"Oh *looks down in thought* well I've been a little stress lately an-"

"Mom who's Jayda?" He looked up at me.

Now I know what you might be thinking why didn't you tell him about his sister Jayda? Well I only did it because I was still trying to deal with her not being here and also I didn't want him to think he a replacement child. But I knew I would have to tell him.l, I guess it today.

"Well Jayda is your sister who was kidnapped 18 years ago by one of my friends Shayla. At the time we sent looking for her I found out I was pregnant with you. ...Now when I think about it her birthday would be in a few weeks from now."

I looked into my son's eyes , and saw his father in them. They are very much a like. Same drive, same height, and same anger that flashed in his eyes. The door bell ring.

I walked to the door and see..


So I know this chapter is... Boring but I promise next one will be better.

So what do think about Sarah telling Jr Jr about Jayda?

Who's ready to see Rese?

Comment what you think so far! And what would you like to see happen next!

So comment, vote , share with others, and follow meThank you hope you'd enjoy.

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