13. In The Name Of Love

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Chris POV

I after watching the argument happen between Issa and Jayda, I decided to head home. I turned on my radio to listen to anything.

As I pressed the bottom trying to a station I stumbled upon some radio station called webe 108.

My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all

The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all

And even if I could it'd all be grey

But your picture on my wall

It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad....

I starting singing along with the song. It actually kind of relatable. I'm going through stuff well I a lot of stuff but even with that I still have Sarah to remind me that it not so bad after all.

I was now to the high way heading over to the south to see the love of my life.

I was now back in N.O. watching Sarah's & August's house. I waited til all the lights are off.

Sleep well love...

I yawned as my eye lids started to feel heavy. I moved around in my seat to get comfortable.

Few hours later....

I waked up as the sun flashes into my windows.

I brought my car to life as I drive to my house in Baton Rogue.

"Hey babe," I rolled my eyes at her voice.


I was sitting down in my room on my bed thinking about everything. From me finding out that I have a sister who's been missing before I was born, to Erica wanting to go to the next level in our relationship and school.

Now I'm 17 junior at high school, trying make sure I'm set for life by picking out the right type of school. And I've been with Erica since 7th grade but known her since 1st grade, so she my baby and I hope one day we can get married. I just wondered if it should really be now.

I got up and head down stairs to the kitchen to a late night sack. I got down to the bottom of the stair and looked over at window. It was 3:00 in morning and the sun was starting to come out. I stood and watched how the very little amount of light had contoured all of the furniture in the living room going into the kitchen. Giving it a morning look.

I walked over to the kitchen and jumped when I saw a dark figure standing there.

I froze not sure if it was just my mind or if I'm actually seeing stuff. I was getting ready to run until I heard dad's voice.

"JayJay" he called me by my nick name.

"Dad? What are you here this late in the night?" I asked with curiosity in my voice.

"Well I had to got me something to eat since y'all mom wear me out. You didn't hear the walls banging? " He asked with a chuckle.

I opened my mouth ready to tell him to stop, but was cut off when he continue on with his speech.

"Damn, you don't ever met a woman like your mother. Someone who can make you feel all warn inside, like if the world were to end I would want to send the very last day with ha" he smiled.

I sat and grinned to myself.

Wow, I want to have something like that...

I was so busy into my thought that I don't realize my dad was still talking

"A woman who makes your toes curling, abs hurting, and hair fall back at the same time." He said as he grin to himself.

" Shock you don't have any younger siblings by now." He said as he stroke his goatee.


"What?" He laugh

Chris POV

I sat in my din. Looking at a picture of the girl I fell for..

Her smile ...
Her Dimples....
Her laugh rings in my ears to my head like a perfect melody.
I can hear her say my name...

I slide my finger over her cheek as if I was caressing her cheek. A tear slide down

I miss my baby.... I miss my Jordan

The memories come back to me...

It all August's fault...

He took what mine now I'll take what's his...

"I love you Jordan" I said out loud as I sip on my henney. "They'll pay I'll make them pay." I laugh to myself I took another sip.

Revenge is best served cold.


It was 8 am and I was in class hoping to see my baby Erica. I turned out for most of class as I thought about everything.

I wonder what she wearing...

I grinned to myself as I rest my head on my arm and closed my eyes

Her eyes, to her lips, her nose, even her ear. Everything about her made me want her more.

The bell ring as everyone got up and left the classroom.
I got up from my desk and went on the look for Erica. As I made my way to her locker I saw her and her friends laughing about something.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Hey bae" I said into her ear.. She turned and looked at me then smiled.

"Hey baby" she greeted me with a kiss.

"Aww" her friends said in unison.

"Y'all look so cute" Jenna said

"You guys are relationship goals" Elease said with a flip of her blonde dyed hair.

"Yeah" Anna said with little emotion.

I grinned as I looked down to my baby smiling back me.

I would marrying her some day.


So Jr Jr & Erica?


What do you think is going to happen next?


Jenna - Lori Harvey

Elease- Laytell McMullen

Erica- Ashely Moore

Jr Jr - forget guys name!

Published: Oct. 23,2015

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