Chapter 5. I love you, I hate You

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Muhammad POV

I sat a cross from my older sister with hate in my eyes. I guess my glare was burning into her because she looked up with an attitude.

"What" she spat

"I fucking hate you man! Why you had to do that"

She furrowed her brows with confusion.

"What are you taking about?" She said.

"JAYLAN YOU BITCH!" I screamed. I felt the veins in my neck pulsing.

"Yo calm your ass down" She got up and place her hand on my shoulder.

"You know ... *her finger traced in my jawline but I slap it away* you could mean when you want to too... *pushed my chin so I faced she squint her her eyes* But be nice when you need to be." She spoke unto my ear.

"Get off me!" I backed hand her and she fell to the floor.

I walked outside to get some fresh air.

You see Marissa is actually my adopted sister. My mother, Tessa, got her after my older twin sister (by 10 seconds) was killed in a hit in ran. The crazy part was that she was only 5 years old and happen in front of me. Police couldn't find out who did it but I know who did it. Well I know their face.

I walk down over to the beach. It always cleared my mind. I sat down in the sand with my eyes closed thinking of the woman in my dreams.

She in a black bikini set playing in the water . I grinned as I though about her fingers glazing in the water as she inch over towards me. She stops then smiles as she looks down and moved her coiled curly hair out of her face. She looks up at me with beautiful emerald green eyes. And she laughs , a laugh that is something soothing like rain at night. I glanced at her pink lips, they look as if it could taste like cotton candy. I reached down to kiss her as she reached in the kiss me. Once our lips connected I felt sensation running thorough my whole body. I love her.

I thought about the first time I meant it was kindergarten.

*flash back*
"Give me my crayson hoe"

Tim Callen have been lyelling at the green eye girl ever since the teacher left for a "quick bathroom break" and left us with a student teacher to watch us , which by the way was doing something other then watching us.

"Och, I don't have your crayons, let me go!"

I watched as she cried and begged him to stop.

"Bitch, don't make me have to tell you again" he yanked on her hair as he proceed to slap her.

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