12. Ends and Meets

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Lafera POV

I sat down in my room thinking about everything. Me being pregnant, to me graduating, and being kick out the house. I have a a lot of things on my plate. Starting with my living situations.... Well that and who's the child father.

We meet at a party , talked. I found out that he goes to the Sam school as me and that his name is Muhammad. So after a few hours of talking, drinking, bullshit, we well.. hooked up.

A few weeks later I wasn't feeling well so I went to the doctor where I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't want to tell anyone about til I spoke to Muhammad.

I finally found him walking in the hallway and pulled him to the side. I told him I was pregnant and that the baby is his.

He told me not to talk him because I was a quote on quote a "thot". And to honest it hurt because that was really the first time in my life that I actually partied and fun since I'm normally in the house for most of the time.

I rubbed my stomach. I feel like I ruined my life.

I don't want to tel Jaylan anything because I don't want to ruin or be seem like I'm trying to ruin her new friendship with Muhammad plus the guy scares me.

I got to think of a way to where I'm set.

Jaylan POV

I sat down at the dinner table playing with the peas on plate. I couldn't help but wanting to ask my parents on what the hell is going on.

My mom is a hoe?

Who's Jayda?

I took a bite out of my potatoes. My eyes subconsciously landed on Gabby then to my dad.

There really down look alike in fact she doesn't even look nothing like mom... Well I don't look nothing like her but I do favor my dad.

I use my folk to cut my steak and popped it j to my mouth. I chewed as I returned back to my thoughts.

But it can't be..... What if Gabby is not really my sister what if she's really my half sister.

"So Jaylan, since you are suspended what are you going to do for the time being? " my dad spoke as he cut and chewed on his steak.

I mocked his actions and said. "Well since I get mostly straight A's and one B, I could avoid out of school suspension if I do this boot camp that the school have for after school." I took of sip of water.

"Took that offer since this is the week we are going to do reviews for the upcoming test next week." I went back into my food.

"Oh that's a good idea" he beamed.

I stop eating and looked at him.

Okay that's weird, first the creepy lady and now my dad acting like he didn't called me a hoe.

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