19. When The Smoke is Cleared

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I am speeding through the cars on the free way as I tried to get to the airport to catch the first one way plane out to Connecticut.

"August, we need to got there now, we to get there now." Sarah hit my shoulder as she cried hysterically.

"Dammit Sarah I'm on the fucking road" I hissed as I rolled my shoulder trying to aid the stinging feeling where she hit me. My jaw clenched as I felt my temper raising, It taking everything in me to not hit her ass.

Ever since she got a call from Reese telling her that they found Jayda and that Raven has been shot Sarah been crying non-stop, well after she fainted that is. In all actually I'm happy that they found Jayda because I know that Sarah wasn't the same when Jayda was gone.

Through out the pregnancy with JrJr, she barley want to eat anything, slept all day, and when we brought up about set up the nursery or going baby shopping forget about she would either blow up or cry and go into her room and stay there.

At times I felt bad for what I did to her because I feel like if it wasn't for me letting Shayla getting into my head. Saying thing like she cheating, or she don't love you.. you know things like that which cause me being 'the immature idiot' I am, I believe it without checking further into it. And because of that it led to so much hurt and pain for not only me and Sarah but on our whole family.

We got down to airport in enough time to catch a plane that was leaving in 10 minutes. We flew out to CT and get to the address Reese sent me.

"Come on August" I felt a tug on my arm as I looked down and saw Sarah pulling my arm to the next available taxi.

Sarah race to a taxi that some older white lady had open the door and was about to get in. But Sarah got in the backseat before her. I shook my head and started placing our bags in the trunk, clearly ignoring the lady.

"Hey that was my taxi, I called for it!" she said as she shouted at Sarah. I looked up at Sarah and show the looked her face and shook my head again.

Poor old white lady she don't know what she is in for....

I"I don't care if you called for it, because it mine now" I heard The pitch in her voice started to get higher. She started going back and fourth with old lady, and knowing how Sarah feels at the moment I knew I had to take action. I slam the truck down and get in taxi and tap the driver.

"Aye Mane I'll pay you $100 dollars just to get to this address, it a family emergency." I pulled out a 100 dollar bill. Next thing I know I'm Sarah's Minnie high pitch voice said.


"Give you $20 extra if you go now." I before I can reach in my wallet I felt my self fell back as the taxi drove off.

As I adjust my seating to look down myself as I pulled out $120 out just as the car stopped.

"Why we stoppin fa?, wait are we here?" I looked around observing my surroundings. Ever since Reese come out the airport I could shake the feeling someone is watching me.

"You are here my friend, that address dress you give me was only 3 block away from the airport." I looked at the taxi driver through the mirror and saw a kool-aid smile on his face.

"That would be $120," he had his hand out through the window. Sarah ran out the taxi as I handed him the money and grabbed our bags from the trunk.


I ran out the car to the door to see Reese stepping out the house.

"Mom" she called to me as I hugged her tightly.

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