11. In trouble now.

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Jaylan POV.

I was driving home when i though about my weird encounter I had with Raven. What's even more weirder is that I felt like I seen her from somewhere.

Not wanting to think about it all too much I turned up my radio as The Cardigan's Junk of the hearts played through speakers. I couldn't as my thought from shifting over to Muhammad.

He was actually one of the nice people I ever meant. I'm actually happy that I bumped into him that day. I thought more about his lips, and his tattoos.

And his smile. I grinned to myself.

Ironically "Help, I'm alive" by Metric started playing as I relay what had went down and how my dad sounded on the phone.

I pulled up to my driveway to see my dad with his arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed.

Can you hear my heart beating like a hammer?

Beating like a hammer,
beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

Help, I'm alive,
my heart keeps
beating like a hammer

I braced myself for what can happen next. I took a deep breath as I made my exit out the car.

"Jaylan, what the fuck were thinking. Fighting in school?! Are you serious?" His voice raise higher after each sentence.

"Dad I -" I tried to explain but was cut off

"And what is this I hear because there's some was rumors about with a guy!" He eye brows raise.

He was never this mad.

"Dad I -" I tired but was cut of again by his his blazed green angry eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me? You could have caught something are every got pregnant!" He paced back and forth. "You must want to be like your hoe ass mama! Shit you must not want shit for yourself, mane!" He sided eyed me.

I stood there shock!

Mama was a hoe?

"Dad, what do you mama was a how?" I ask quickly. My eyes got big.

Dad, whet?

"Look Jayda, I don't want even what to deal with you right just go to your room. I'll think off your punishment." He looked away from me.

I put my head down in defeat and walk to my room. I too shocked.

My mama was a hoe? She don't even seem like type! Is he even my dad? Omg what if my real dad was a . a. Bum?

Once I got up to my room and fall down on my bed and I relayed what just happen and my thoughts on my mind...

I can't believe my mom was a hoe! *rubs face* Wait!, Who's Jayda?

I sat up straight on my bed.

Something is not right.

I paced with I'm arms behind my back looking like Dexter when he is in his lab.

Something isn't right... He called me Jayda.. Who's Jayda?
I don't know why but I need to look into something.

Chris POV

I eating popcorn while watching with binoculars what just take place watched what just place in my car. And too be honest I didn't like when Issa called Sarah a hoe, shit let's be real she ain't as easy as Shayla's triffling as. Shorty would fuck anything that cums.

I kind of feel bad for Jayda seeing her standing there all shocked. Poor thing and all the nosey neighbors came out watching one kid even was taping it and yelling world star. Just a ratchet mess.

After she ran in the house Issa started yelling at neighbors.

Hang in there Jayda, your real daddy gonna come get you real soon.

I rolled up my window. I gonna leave fore Issa see my ass.

Soon I'm gonna become complete.

Shayla POV

I was walking up the stairs to call the girls for lunch when I notice Jayda pacing back and forth in her room.

What's bothering her?

I walked up to her door and give it a tap. She stopped then turn her head and face me.

"Yes?..." She ask almost like she was caught up in a thought.

I was about to talk but stop to fully examine her.

She seem.. Lost. Like something is bothers her.

"Um, Jayda?" I ask cautiously as I slowly raised my right brow.

"Yeah?" Her eye swift away then back to me. "What is it?"

I wanted to ask if everything is all right but I didn't want to push.

"She'll come to me when she ready!"

"Dinner is ready" I said as I turned to what away until I heard her say wait.

"Yes, Jaylan??" I smiled warmly.

"Ummm you know whatever mind. It nor important" she waved it off.

"Um okay" I was hesitate to ask or to push it.

I walked out and get my daughter , ready for dinner.

I guess it can wait.

Jaylan POV

I don't think I can hold this in ... What should I do?


So what do you guys think what gonna happen?


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