cover! Must Read and comment!

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Okay so I gotten this new app where I can blend my pictures together ( for Wattpad use only) and I come up with 9 section you guys to chose from.

Now the tittle of this story is Obsession: His All which would probably leave people asking "what do you mean by his all, who is the he to his?" Well from what I written it is very obvious that his is actually Chris. Which in about ... 4 chapter y'all guy would figure out why is Jaylan aka Jayda is his all (oh an idea just pop in my head *birdman hands*)

But before I can get into all of that I need a serious opinion... Number starting from the top left going to the top right going in that order which picture look nice to be the new cover, come on don't be shy.

Also updated would be for next weekend, and if I get enough vote I might even give you guys a preview to my next chapter, 16....

Deal or no deal?

Vote, comment , or even share!


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