Chapter 4.

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Jaylan POV

"Jaylan get up." my mom said as she shook me, trying to get me to wakeup.

"Ugh! What time is it?" I lift my head and rubbed my eyes.

"It's 6 am, come on it time for breakfast" she turned and walked out the door.

I slowly raise out of bed. I walk over to my bathroom to wash my face.

Sarah POV

Me , Jr Jr ( AN: they call him Auggie) and his girl friend Erica.

I paced back and forth. I couldn't wait, I haven't seen my baby girl in two years.

"Mom can you sit down" he said

"Oh hush, my baby gonna be here" I grinned ear to ear. I can't wait to see her.

Reese POV

I just got off the flight and was walking into the airport when I saw my family waiting for me.

"Ahh My baby *she hugs me* I miss you so much"

"Ma I can't breathe" I giggled after she let go I notice dad wasn't there. " Um ma where's dad?"

"Your Dad is in the car waiting for us"

"Oh, why ain't he here?"

"Well he just got his car fixed and he not taking any chances."

"Um I guess there's a story behind that ... Right?"

"Yeah I'll explain that later. Let's get you things in the car." She said as everyone grab one of bags to carry.

Once we got outside I saw my dad leaning on the car with a hard look on his face. I walk over to him but stop when he didn't notice me.


"Hey Resse, y'all get in" he said still looking in that direction.

"Okay" I furrowed my brows.

Me, my mother, brother and his girlfriend got in the black range rover.

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