8. Everything going according to plan!

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Raven pov

I got up and pack up my things trying to get ready for the drive out in Connecticut. I just finished packing when I heard one of my twin daughters walked in my room.

"Ma, are you sure you don't want me and JoJo to come?"

I stop for a second to think it really won't hurt to have them come, wouldn't it.

"Yeah sure, just pack a few things for 4 days. Okay?" I turn to face my daughter Gina.

"Okay Ma" she walked out my room.

My twin daughters are older then Resse by 1 year which means Jayda should be like 5 or 6 years younger then them.

I inhale then exhaled as I though about the night when Jayda was kidnapped. I though a saw something moved it like more like someone, maybe a woman well I think it is ... I'm not sure. But even if I wasn't I should have checked it out. Sometimes I feel like it was my fault. I'm usually the one who would check for everything, making sure everything is okay. Well me and my dad that is. Plus if I did then maybe my little sister wouldn't be feel sad.

That's why I been training Resse and twins JoJo and Gina to help me look and found Jayda. I know she out there she has to be.

I collect my self together and brought my bags to down the car. It going to be a long drive.

Jaylan POV

I was already in a crappy mood today, Siya still on some fake shit, Laferra been looking at me all funny and well I really don't talk to no one or people just don't want to talk to me.

I walked into the cafeteria and got me a hotdog chips, a apple and a water bottle. I started to grub when my little sister Lavera and Royalyn and Moana sat in front of me.

"Do you know people talking shit about you, right?" Royalyn ask me.

I look up and meet Royalyn's glare.

"I honestly don't care" I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I resume eating my hotdog.

"Do you know they are saying that you suck a guy off at summer camp in the boys Cobain back when you were in 8th grade?" Moana asked with concern

"What?! Jaylan is this true? Ooooohhhh dad is going to kill you" Lavera looked shocked

I looked up at the both of them... She wouldn't say anything about that.

I stop and thought about that day....

I was making out with this guy I was dating for like 6 months. I want to stop before we got to far .

"Maybe we should stop ,you know?" I tried to reason with him.

"But why I wanted so long for this, to do this with you, *he carless cheek* Are special to me"

I blushed but remember what my mom said about guys.

"But I'm special to you than you would understand where I'm coming from" I said sternly

"Aight, fuck you and get out"

"Wait, why are you mad"

"Because I want you , I want your body, and I want your soul." He kiss my forehead. "I've waiting and I don't know how much more I can take."

I don't know why but I got all weak for that.

Next thing I know my pant are coming off my face is close to his parts and well we did the nasty both oral and regular.

The next day he broke up with me. The only person I told was Siya.

I blink and it best to tell them. I explain what happen Gabby shook her , Moana just seem concerned, and Royalyn looked pissed.

"Yo Jay let me whip Siya ass real quick"

Before I can protest Royalyn stand up but was pulled down by Moana.

"Look Ro, you fight someone battle *turns to me* Jaylan you need to beat Siya ass I mean you would get suspended for like 5 day, shit beat that and go on vacation.

Gabby put her hands up

"Wait before you fight think about it, it you fight and get in trouble dad would want to know why you fighting, and I know you don't want dad to know"

You know she has a point.

So what do you think is going to happen?

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