Important Author Note, feedback would be nice.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to ask a few quick questions so please comment your answer. I also want to let people know that book three will be up by next weekend. Okay so here are the questions.

1. If I were to make a quick short book about who Jordan is, would you read it?

2.I'm at two different roads where I would take book 3. 1 way is that it would mainly be Jayda as a grown up. The second would be Sarah's past coming back up to get her... Which way seem more .. Appealing to you guys?

3. Do you guys like or can see the build up I did with Lavera ?

4. Should Issa be in book 3?

5. Should Jayda have a new love interest?

Okay guys that's all. Oh and read my other books to when you can.

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