CHAPTER 1 (Moving in)

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My musically- @india_turner


Lauren's POV

Wow. Today was the day! Today we moved out of our 4 bedroomed house, and into a 14 bedroomed mansion... THIS IS SO EXCITING!

We had recently won quite a bit of money from the lottery, so decided to put it to good use and buy my mum's dream house in London.

Mum hasn't shown me where it was, what it looked like or anything; she just assured me that I would love it and I am sure I will. Who wouldn't? It was currently 9:30 am, we had to leave the house at 10am so I had hardly no time to get ready since I had just finished eating breakfast and was in my pyjamas.

I decided, after checking twitter and Instagram, that I would get changed. I don't really like having showers in the morning, since it takes me ages to wash my hair, so I decided against having one - plus I had one only last night. I decided to wear something comfy, so I put on my favourite pair of black leggings, a 'shake it off' t-shirt that had rolled up short sleeves, a cardigan and a pair of white low-cut converse's. I didn't really have any other choice as these were the only clothes I had left un-packed. So organised, I know ;). It was my mum that packed for me anyway... I am not organised at all.

As I rushed down the stairs, I saw my parents for the first time this morning so I decided to have a quick catch up with them, and before I knew it, we were locking the front door and getting in the car to drop off the keys for the house and drive to London!

The removal men had already taken our furniture to our new house and my mum had gone and unpacked it, we already had the keys, my parents wanted it to be a surprise

"Muuuummmm...." I said with a sneaky look on my face

"Yes gorgeous?"

"Where's the house?" I questioned

"Nope!" Was her answer, and the way she said it it was the final one too

"But... I need to know!" I stuttered

"Why's that?" Oh great.. now dad has joined in

"It's fun having surprises isn't it ? I mean we could just tell you..." Mum trailed off whilst laughing

"NO! I want it to be a surprise" I said in shock, how could she ruin a surprise?! I did ask though...

"Your a weird one kid" My dad laughed as he ruffled my hair

That's just what I was going to say about myself

"Dad I hate to when you do that" I pouted, straightening my freshly messed up hair with my fingers.

Then before I knew it, we were off, we had a fairly long journey ahead of us. It was 2 and a half hours drive to London from where I lived, and as much as I loved living here, there wasn't much going on. I decided I'd listen to my music, I plugged in my new earphones and opened up Spotify. What to listen to... Then I realised I had Shawn Mendes' new album 'Handwritten'.


My parents exchanged odd looks and burst out laughing. I really need to stop saying things out loud.

After mentally face palming myself, listening to the 'Handwritten' album on repeat and checking twitter, we were at fleet service station. As soon as I saw the sign of Mcdonalds I immediately turned my music off, shoved my shoes on and started to get my puppy dog eyes on... yes I am 16 but it always works on my dad :).

As we pulled up in the carpark, we got a few looks by customers staring at our new Audi I8, I just ignored them... MY PLAN WAS HOPEFULLY GOING TO WORK.

"daaaadddddd..." I trailed off again- I must be such a nuisance to them hehe. *that's not a good thing kids xD*

"Yes, we can go to macdonalds" He sighed

"YYYYAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!" I must've said this quite loud as I gained even more looks from the public

I have always had an obsession of Mcdonalds... probably the chicken nuggets there. I have always been a kid at heart! Not saying that they're for kids or anything - I'll just shut up now.

I enjoyed my Mcdonalds, but soon reaIised that I shouldn't of had a milkshake as I felt sick when we were walking through the car park. Just what I need before a car journey!

We hopped of to the loo then back in the car, we had another hour left so I fell asleep with my headphones blasting out the UK top 40 because ... well... why not?


Are you enjoying the story? Please comment and vote as it really helps with my updating speed :) Also private message me or tweet me (@india_2859xox) or dm me on instagram (@india_turner_)
My musically- @india_turner


Oh and also do you guys read it on pc or the app? x

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