CHAPTER 17 (You're a model Lauren)

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Brooklyn put me down so I could get into the car, and he came and sat next to me in the back.

"well, that was an eventful night" My mum said, sounding still shocked and worried

"You don't say, mum" I joked back

Brooklyn looked at me sincerely, and whispered to me "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, all good. At least I am because I am with you lot"


By the time we got home, it was 1am. Brooklyn was staying the night since he didn't want to leave me alone for the first night to keep my company, safe and so I felt secure. How sweet is he?

"Brooklyn, is it too late to have a shower?"

"Well, it is one in the morning..."

"Be right back, just going in the shower" I had forgotten that I had a run before the whole 'thing' happened. I felt icky and I didn't want to smell in front of Brooklyn - no way.




I let out the biggest sigh of relief when Lauren disappeared to the shower- it was all over. Harry was officially gone and had been dealt with - he won't be messing with me any time soon. I suddenly remembered the paps at the scene earlier, so I decided to check ze google to see if they had reported anything about what had happend to Harry. The first link that came up was "Brooklyn Beckham's so called girlfriend get's kid napped" oh shet...

As I clicked on it an image of me and Lauren kissing popped up. It was taken when I had just seen he sat outside the ambulance. Instantly I remembered the paparazzi there and the fact I didn't care- and guess what? I still don't know.

I read the article but it mentioned nothing about Harry at all; just the fact that I had a girlfriend and it was not who they where expecting. Really? I clicked on a couple more links which weren't so celeb related, and they state that he has been taken to custardy and is held in the cell over night until further charges are going to be made.

"well... the world deserved to know about us" I whispered to myself

"Deserved to know what?" Lauren smiled, as she walked out of the bathroom in pyjamas

"Oh, hey! The paparazzi took a picture of us kissing and the whole world knows now" I stated as I walked over to her, placed my hands on her hips and pulled her closer. "Oh well" I said before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

Lauren was very tired, and so was I, so we both climbed into bed.

"Night, Brooklyn"

"Night, Lauren"


Lauren's POV in the morning after


I woke up with a terrible night mare about Matt trying to kidnap me last night... wierrrddd. I checked my phone and it was 10 am anyway so I better get up - Brooklyn was sat out on my balcony with his phone and laptop - he must've been busy with his manager and stuff. I knocked on the window and we waved at each other, signalling he was a bit busy. As he turned round I noticed he was just wearing his boxers and laughed at what the paps would think if they caught a picture of him.

Since Brooklyn wasn't avalaible to chat with I hopped down the stairs and started pouring us two bowls of rice krispies and toast. Pretty much the only thing I could cook? I mean make, it's not even cooking...

I felt short brown hair tickle my neck and hands wrapped around my waist, I gathered it was Brooklyn.

"Guess who got you another job?" Brooklyn said "Me"

"A... job?" What the hell was he on about?

"You're now employed by the same agency as me, you're officially a proffesional model!" Brooklyn screamed at me- enthusiastic much?

"OMG YOU'RE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER BROOKLYN!" I jumped on him but accidently knocked him to the floor "sorry hehe" I replied, running away as I knew what he would do. I hated being tickled so much.

"I made us... celebratory... rice krispies?" I said, looking at the bowls a bit confused.

"They can be celebratory if we make them - TURN UP ZE MOOSIC LAURENNN!" Brooklyn shouted

It's a good job my parents where at work because we made a hell a lot of noise that morning.

"Bye honey! Make sure you stay out of trouble and call me every night!" Mum said as she was walking off through the gates at Heathrow, Victoria and David waving at us as all four of them walked off. It was 9 AM in the morning.

"Are you going to miss them?" Brooklyn asked me
"No, I would if it was you though" I replied "plus it's only for a week"
We walked hand in hand out of the airport, with our baby sitters who was actually Brooklyn's two body guards. Mark was lagging behind with Harper and Cruz, the other in front pushing off the paps. Romeo was at football training so he didn't get to see his parents before they all left. David, Victoria and my parents were going on a holiday to France as a romantic couples holiday- gross. So me and Brooklyn decided to take this as our Romantic couples holiday- clever, right? I was looking forward to this next week so bad and now it has come ! We had three weeks left of the summer holidays so far; one with our parents away, the next was a chill week, and finally the week preping for school. In a way I was excited to go back - I will get to meet some new friends apart from Brooklyn and his 'gang'. Speaking of which I hadn't seen in forever!
"You ready to go?" The driver asked, opening the door of the black Royles Royce.
"Yes, thank you" me and Brooklyn separated hands for about five seconds before we both immediately glued them back together as we sat down- crazy I know. The journey seemed what took forever, however it was only 40 mins. I showed mark and Dylan (the bodyguards/ babysitters) to their rooms on the lower floor and gave them a house tour of everything they need to know. When that was done I decided to head to my room to help Brooklyn un-pack his stuff. Not that my parents knew he was sleeping in my bed- they had the spare room set up for him. One night we will have to both sleep in their to make it look slept in.
"Hey" I said softly as I walked in the door, and gave Brooklyn a quick kiss on the lips "fancy Netflix and chill once you've finished?" I asked, we all know what Netflix and chill is code worded for really...
"Haha yeah, I like your thinking" Brooklyn winked at me, so I helped him un pack his stuff.


A/N (A huge thank you, please read! :D)

So this time last week I had 1.1k (1100 reads) and a week later I have 1.37k (1370) YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING I LOVE YOU ALL <3 Remember to enter the competition, I have a couple of entires so you still have a chance to win the shoutout :D

My musically- @india_turner

Love ya x

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