CHAPTER 6 (Im gonna wreck you!)

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Since you have already had a SHORT chapter this week (Cheeky surprise there ;) ) then this one is a bit LONGER, roll on next week for more updates! :D
My musically- @india_turner


As I entered my house, that was still gorgeous and new to me, I felt like my legs were going to collapse - shopping is REALLY tiring, especially in huge London! It involves a lot of walking and carrying - who said girls aren't strong? My arms where also numb due to the amount of bags I had dangled off my wrists and forearms. As I dumped them off onto the floor, which went a bit louder and harder drop than i had expected, I realised I had created loads of red rings on my arms from the pressure- ouch! They looked like burns, but they will go down soon enough for tomorrow. I can't wait until then! Eek! I am off out with Brooklyn, Harper, Romeo and Cruz to the bowling alley. Apparently there is a few grabber machines there too, so I must remember a few pound coins, I always forget little things like these. I decided that whilst I remembered I may as well pack my handbag for then anyway. Kicking my shoes off into the cloak room and running up the stairs, I finally found my bedroom and opened the large door (I was still getting used to the house okay?!). I ran straight to the wardrobe and grabbed my plain white handbag (that way I wouldn't have to wear a certain outfit tommorow that would go with this). I then placed my black leather 'McFly' purse into the main pocket, which had my change in and my credit card, also remembering other little bits and bobs that I'd need to take just incase like makeup and tampons... YOU GOTTA BE SURE OK!? :) I took my phone out of my back pocket to see that it was already 6pm - dinner should be ready soon.

"Ugh, I am bored" I mumbled to myself

Ooh! I know what I can do! I ran to my study and logged on to my Mac, clicked on the safari app and typed into the search bar ' youtube'. Once it had finished loading I clicked on the right website and scrolled through my subscription recently updated... Hmmm... ThatcherJoe... Tanya Burr.. AHA! Zoella! For the next ten minutes I watched a quick, summer makeup tutorial she had uploaded 2 days ago, which taught me finally how to do my eyeliner properly, and decided I had had enough. The time was currently 6:15pm so I still had some time before bed to fill, I get bored easily if my brain isn't occupied. Sometimes I used to do maths revision if I was bored, even though I hated it, It was just making me go crazy how bored I was! And you are probably thinking, where are my friends to keep me occupied? Well, all 4 of them went on holiday on the same week (not all week just a few and a couple of days out of it), therefore, I was a loner for that week.

"DINNERS READY!" My mum called

It's good that I've got brilliant hearing, otherwise the distance that my mum has to shout from, just wouldn't be heard for some people, or she is just good at shouting, pobably the experience (Or should I say experience's from shouting at me ;))

"COMING!" Also my shouts are extremely loud. I guess I'm just that type of loud person! You see, when you first meet me you probably would think 'WOW, she is boring' or just a bit quiet - however when you get to know me I am the loudest person you will ever meet... In a good way though. Running down the stairs was now a chore so I decided to plod down until I reached the kitchen, then took a seat on the large, white gloss table.

"Mmm... Sushi!" I whisper shouted

"Yeah, we knew you liked it and there is a sushi bar around the corner where you can get it delivered!" My mum was almost as excited as me

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