CHAPTER 11 (Time flies by...)

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Sorry I didn't update last weekend, I  just had a lot of random stuff going on I wanted to focus on! 

Quick A/N: I have made a twitter account for all my writing updates! So go turn on push notifications for the account and you'll know exactly what time the chapter will be up and if there going to be any sneaky extras ;)

Twitter account :


I woke up in my bed and the first thing that came to mind was our holiday. I am so excited! We had two days left; today we were going shopping, tomorrow we would pack, then the day after we are leaving at 3 am to get on the flight at 4:30 am... Too early for me, personally. And no, that doesn't make me lazy.

After chewing every part of my full English breakfast ,(apart from bacon as it makes me feel ill, no clue why), I switched on the TV and watched the news for a bit. Nothing much was really happening in the world and the time was flying by so I tottered up the stairs to get changed - we were going shopping today! YAY! I wasn't sure if Brooklyn was coming with us, mum mentioned something about it but I'm not exactly sure.
"Heyy why you ringing this early? You ok?" Brooklyn said over the phone, his voice still tired and crackly
"Oh sorry if I woke you but are you coming shopping with us?" I asked, I hope I didn't wake him up!
"I don't think so, me mum and dad are visiting some family members before we go, sorry! I really wanted to go because I wanted some new raybands haha" Brooklyn's voice had become a bit more awake, and his brain too probably.
"Oh...ok! See you TOMMOROW!!!!! The packing day!!" I was a tad bit exited you could say...
"YAYAYAYAYYA!!" Ok, maybe Brooklyn too. Behind the reputation he has to build, and my matureness for my age, we are only kids at heart. With that we both said our goodbyes and hung up. Shopping here I come! (finally)

I put on some sun glasses that coordinated with my denim high wasted shorts and Jumper like top - also a bit of eyeliner and powder foundation just to quickly cover up any blemishes and make my eyes pop. I also brushed my teeth and freshened up - I was ready to go!
Me, my mum and dad all jumped in the car and unlike last time I went shopping, this time I was going to do some achtual shopping. I was looking for various holiday items that I needed :
Sandals, a summer long dress and a few other accessories. Then it popped into my head that Brooklyn wanted some raybands - I could get them him for a present!
We eventually walked into the shopping centre and started to look at clothes in Hollister - we all split up and looked at different stuff we needed. I went to the back of the shop and looked at some skater skirts, I then picked up a black pleated skater skirt and a flowy lace top to tuck into it. After a little bit of looking around I had also picked up a gorgeous throw over for my bikini, which was bright pink and blue, and went to the checkouts. First shop - check! A million to go.... The next shop that I went into was to the right of hollister (the shop I had just been in), New Look. I was walking around and looking for some high waisted shorts and some plain/ printed t-shirts like my shake it off one, when I came across a pair of shorts that I liked- they weren't high wasted, but short, white and ripped- I was in love! Next to this rail I found the high wasted plain denim shorts, so I picked some of these up too. I was on a roll! But I suppose thats not a good thing whilst shopping.... After mooching around for another 10 mins I came across the summer top range. The first thing that caught my eye was a peach coloured tank top- "I'll get that" I mumbled. 14 bags and 23 shops later it was safe to say I was shopped out. I picked up the dress and sandals I was looking for - the dress was a pinky peach colour and was short at the front, yet long at the back. I also came across a pair of gorgeous crystal sandals, that matched my dress, when we were in Schu. We started walking out of the shopping centre to head to the high street Macdonalds when I realised I had forgot something. I stopped in my tracks whilst in thought

"Mum, Dad! You go on ahead I forgot to pick up something I needed" I shouted to my parents - they had gained a lot of distance whilst I had paused in thought.

"Ok honey, don't be any longer than half an hour! We will order you the usual" Dad shouted directing his long distance words to my ears

"Thankyou!" I was now eternally grateful - i'd be annoyed if I forgot to buy Brooklyn's sunglasses !

I picked up my pace slightly and quickly made it to the nearest glasses shop- I was sure they'd sell ray bans. I picked up a few pairs and tried them on myself as any glasses Brooklyn wears pretty much suit me. I thought I'd opt away from the normal ray bans he owns many a pair of and get some other ones... maybe the one Joe Sugg usually wears! After finding the right ones in the right colour I went to the till and payed

"These better do..." I mumbled to myself

"Urmmm... just wondering you realise these are mens glasses?" The well groomed cashier asked me.

"Yeah I know, they're not for me" I replied, wow she could've had a bit less attitude to that comment.

"Special someone?" I wonder if she's intrigued, much?

"Well he's a friend, very very close"

"Let me guess! Are you... Lauren? Brooklyn is very lucky to have a friend like you!" she announced very merily... wait WHAT.

"Sorry, how do you know me?" I asked politley - she was probably a Beckham family member

"Oh! You have been all over the magazines and newspapers since, let me check, 3 hours ago!"

Oh great... here comes all the hate on Twitter ... Maybe never go on social media again? Yep good plan.
I left the shop, after I'd payed for the glasses of course, and re-picked up my pace. Macdonalds it is!
I walked about 5 mins from the glasses shop and entered the very quiet fast food chain, to find my parents sat in the farthest table from the door - probably so my mum didn't feel the breeze of the door constantly opening and closing. I pulled out the chair and plonked my bum on the seat; diving into my chicken nuggets and chips! 

"Oh how much have I missed you Mcdonalds?" I muttered to either myself or the food, I wasn't quite sure but ,either way, it was still weird.

About 30mins later we found our way back to the car. Buckling ourselves in we heard the radio - Summer was 3/4 of the way through ALREADY. Why does time fly by so fast? Oh well, 2 days until holiday with Brooklyn! (And our family of course). I don't know why I'm so excited... we go on holiday twice a year abroad ... maybe its because I'm going with Brooklyn? No idea...

I pulled out my phone as we had quite a drive in front of us, and plugged in my head phones. I had a bunch of new songs as I had recently saved my new playlist on iTunes new imusic - it was a lot better than Spotify. Scrolling through all of the 40 tracks in that playlist I had named "Faves", one immediately stood out at me- chains (Nick Jonas). Dis song was ma jayummm! We had about 10 minuets left of the journey left so i decided to text Brooklyn about how excited i was for our holiday - I got an instant reply of "I can't wait either!". This will be the best holiday ever.

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