CHAPTER 20 (Matt you're such a-)

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Hello guys :) a couple of you have been wanting this chapter so it's early this week but it's your only chapter so don't be greedy!! XD
Recap :
It took Brooklyn not very long to come across something he definatly didn't want to see as he pulled a worried face

"And that is why we don't steal peoples phone's haha" I chirped, thinking it would be something like Matt was chatting up a LOAD of girls on whatsapp or something. But I was wrong. Matt was---------
Present day :D
Matt was planning something I never wanted to see- no it wasn't nudes or anything stupid like that, or like the type of person I thought he was he'd do, no. It was, in my opinion, his other sides personality. Behind mine and Brooklyns back he had been planning the whole kidnapping with Harry weeks before it had happened - my heart sunk, but then just automatically dropped. Matt was dangerous and he didn't want to stop yet.
Me and Brooklyn left matts phone behind the tree so he could find it and we sprinted home, Brooklyn being a faster runner was I front of me but I lost my footing on a tree trunk and fell onto my face in a pile of dog sh*t. GREAT!!
"Lauren are you..okay?" Brooklyn asked trying not to laugh
"No. I'm trying to run away from a 'could be serial killer' and we are in the middle of no where and you're laughing at me and I think I've just sprained my ankle and-" I spluttered on
"Shut up" Brooklyn said as he gave me a warm hug "I love you too much to be caught by a kidnapper hehe" he said into the hug - how the flip did he just cheer me up? We will never-
"YOU BETTER STAY THERE HUGGING SO I CAN TIE YOU TOGETHER" Matt shouted sarcastically, but laughing. He obviously doesn't know that we've found out about his dirty little secret. It was a joke we'd of laughed at if we didn't know.
"Babe, get on my back I'm going to run with you on my back" Brooklyn said, dragging me away. I clambered onto his back and he started to run. But before I knew it Brooklyn fell over, he blacked out. I immediately started to cry, but luckily kept my tears in to look strong in front of Matt
"WHY DID YOU FEEL THE NEED TO DO THAT TO ME MATT!? PLANNING TO KIDNAP PEOPLE IS STUPID! TO ME TOO!?" I shouted, finally crying and breaking out of my strong shell
"Because you know my secret- oh don't worry! I know you feel left out! I will just put you in this lake and maybe ... Hmmm... Drown you?" Matt said getting closer
"HELPP! Help! PLEASE ! HELP!!" I screamed at the top of the voice, slowly realising I was in the middle of no where on my own now.
"You know I used to be a bad ass in karate" I demanded a fight of freedom, Matt obviously got the hint because he swung his fist in my face but I ducked it. I didn't care how stupid I looked or how bad my teqniuqe was I needed to at least ring the body guards - that was when I realised something that would be quicker.
"Ok Siri" I shouted, I hope this bloody works. My heart was pounding out of my chest- I was pretty sure it was going to be heard in the radar of a mile.
"My names not Siri you twat" Matt scoffed
"Call me rob" I said the me part really quiet so only Matt could hear and not Siri, hopefully meaning that it would call rob. I heard the quiet ringing in my pocket and a short hello.
"IM IN THE WOODS BEHIND OUR HOUSE YELP!" Yelp was mine and robs safe word and I was certainly not safe right now.
"Coming" and the phone was put down
"Yes, I know we are in the woods behind your house idiot" Matt scoffed, again.

I decided it would be best to stall Matt for as long as I could, since he was getting even more dangerous by the minuet, even though the adrenaline in me was making me feel like I didn't even have a minuet of my life left. It took only two minuets of trying to calm Matt down -which only stalled him because he was too busy thinking and saying insults about me and Brooklyn. Oh welll. It worked anyway.

I heard a rustle from the bushes and a bald head popped out, hehe, it was Rob the bodyguard. Rob sprinted to Matt and pinned him to the floor, he gave him a verbal and written warning for harassment since Rob had the right's to work with the police, and let Matt free. Matt was scared for his life and sprinted off, while the other bodyguard and me helped Brooklyn up since he'd become conscious. My house was only a 2 minuet walk from here so Rob picked up Brooklyn and carried him bridal style- I was laughing so much at how 'romantic' this looked and how helpless Brooklyn was.

We got to the front gates, Rob placed Brooklyn down and placed him so he had his weight on my shoulders, I supported him to the door.

"Sorry for laughing at you, you did try to defend me" I managed to say quickly so I didn't laugh at how annoyed he looked.

"Oh don't worry" Brooklyn said as he tried to pick me up

"No, no, no,no. Brooklyn you have just passed out and been in a fight. I don't think so" kissing him on his forehead I placed him on the couch where he fell asleep.


Thankyou guys! I'm getting closer to my 2k target and need only 120 more reads!


Love ya, vote, comment and you know the drill :")
Winner of the competition was @lola6678 ! Well done :)

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