Airports (End part 1)

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I hugged him the tightest I could and thanked him for my presents, but I had to tell him something.

"Brooklyn... now that I am 18... I am... moving somewhere far from here to get my life together- ever since the 'Harry' thing happened I have just had the smallest part of insecurity running through my body" I weeped, trying to hold in my tears of the thought of leaving Brooklyn.

"I know, I know" Brooklyn said, pulling me into a hug "Where are you moving to?" He asked


"Oh my god, Lauren" Brooklyn was on the verge of tears, I could tell by the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry" We were both now crying in tears laid on my bed.

"I'm leaving tomorrow" I said abruptly with no emotion whatsoever.

"Wha-what? So I do all this for you and then you just move away! How long have you not been telling me things !? And keeping secrets from me!?" Brooklyns face was red with anger, and I could see his jaw clenched.


"Lauren I'm so-" he came to me but I pushed him away until he left for home.
The next morning was the day I was leaving. When I woke up I checked my phone to see at least 100 missed calls from Brooklyn all through the night. Of course, he'd sent texts too.
I text him back what time I was leaving and what airport I was going to.
It was 1pm and I was sat at this posh noodle bar with Brooklyn at the airport, I had an hour before I had to que up for my flight. We were sat in total utter silence and I wasn't even hungry.

"Lauren" Brooklyn said to break the silence


"I'm sorry" He said, and I knew he meant it. I put my lips on his and smiled through the kiss, his hands snaked around my waist and we must've stayed like that for at least 5 minuets. I then realised I was moving to Australia- why? Why am I leaving Brooklyn - my only bit of insecurity...?


HOPE YOU ENJOYED GUYS! Remember add to your library's and all that :) I have two more parts left and maybe an epilogue??


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