CHAPTER 22 (12 months later)

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12 months had passed since the day of the cheeky butt grab, and let me tell you- it's been the busiest months of my life. I have been trying to juggle my modelling career with my A levels, plus my relationship with Brooklyn. However, it has worked out really well and infact I got straight A's in my results! Me and Brooklyn took a break with our relationship when it was near our exams, but promised not to see anyone else as we still have feelings for each other but it was very hard to multitask with three very important things.

You're probably wondering, what am I going to do after school? Well, me and Brooklyn's managment have told us our careers are very stable so I am just going to be doing a little bit of modelling here and there to keep me going.

Today was my 18th birthday and I was the most excited for my birthday i have been in ages, why? Well.. I CAN FINALLY PARRTAYYY! Brooklyn turned 18 last month and has been on vaious 'lads' nights out . When I see him come home he can hardly walk through the front door he is that drunk. Luckily I am not planning on getting hammered like that, but just a couple of glasses of wine is enough to satisy me..... maybe...


I ran downstairs and my parents had made breakfast, which was larger than usual because I can pig out on my birthday :))))) We sat down in silence and out of no-where my parents left rhe table and came back singing happy birthday, they had the smallest present in their hands ever. I had no ide what it was, normally I am really good with guessing before I open it but this one was to hard to guess to I ripped open the paper to find a bag, I opened the bag and found an envolope. In the envolope was something I never thought I would own - a pair of audi car keys.

"OMFG OMFG IM HYPERVENTILATING SAVE ME OMFG" I screamed, when I was interupted by a bunch of texts messages on my phone, all wishing me happy birthday.

I dashed onto the drive to find my white audi soft top with Brooklyn sat inside it

"Hope you're not gonna crash it" Brooklyn said as he winded the window down

"I'm a good driver... I won't" I chuckled and hopped in, gave Brooklyn a quick kiss and reveresed down the drive and onto the main road.

"I love this song so much!" I shouted as I turned the radio up even more, and scream sung the lyrics. Brooklyn immediatly turned the volume down and glared at me

"Pull over- I will drive" Brooklyn said harshly

"No, why? What's up with me scrouge?" I laughed


"FINE I WILL PULL OVER!" I said, as I pulled over onto the curb. We switched seats and Brooklyn drove- he was a really good driver compared to me.

"Lauren I am just worried about how you got your drivers license because lets be honest- you can't really control the wheel. I don't want you to get into a crash" He said whilst rubbing my knee

"I know, I should drive more sensibly- sorry baby" I hushed

Brooklyn just sighed and smiled as he drove, listening to the radio. The reason he is getting really scared of me driving is because he got in a car crash with David a couple of months ago- luckily he only got a few bad cuts and nothing more.

Short update im sorry x Thanks for 2.5k reads guys! <3

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