Chapter 16 (Home sweet home)

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We were now all at home, I was sat looking up some concert tickets to see The Vamps on my laptop.

Our flights didn't have any delays but they were the normal -

Paparazi, fans, photo's and all of the stuff fame excessively comes with. All in all, the holiday was very fun and we might be going back there soon! Brooklyn and I have told our family's about our relationship and it turns out they all already new- my mum had told them. Victoria said it's not the time to tell the public yet and it won't be for the next week since her new clothing line is coming out and doesn't want it to cause any trouble. Me and Brooklyn were ok with that though, as we aren't planning on telling them for a couple of weeks.

And as for the photo? It turned out it was just one of Brooklyn's crazy male fans who wanted to keep a photo, we persuaded him to not tell anyone.

Life was good in general!

I hoped down stairs and collected my sausage sandwich from Elena, and joined my parents who where eating their lunch in front of the TV.
We weren't doing anything today which was lucky, as I really felt like locking myself in my room and watching Netflix, whilst eating every single possible tub of Ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream I could. Sounds amazing, right?
Whilst I was still sat in the living room with my parents, I checked Twitter and all of my social media's when Brooklyn rang me. He said he wouldn't be around today as he was going to play football with his friends which (obviously) I was ok with. I hate it when you get those girlfriends that don't let their boyfriends do ANYTHING with out them. I decided it was time to start watching Netflix, preferably pretty little liars, and eat my heart out (even though I wasn't upset or anything) .

As I logged on with my laptop, I watched a few series of everything I could and I quickly realised it was already 6pm. My mum had brought up my dinner and let me eat it in my bedroom, but now it was about an hour after I had eaten it and I was feeling a bit too tired and yucky whilst sat down all day, so I decided to go on a run. As I was getting changed into my running gear and tying up my trainers, I got a text from Brooklyn saying he was at home and if we wanted to hang out but I just texted him back I was on a run. And with that, I left the front door and ran for ages.

It was 30 minuets later when I decided to turn round - I knew where I was so I knew the way back. It was getting dark early and also raining, so I was freezing, wet AND tired. As I turned round I felt someone ... Breathe near my ear? It was probably just the wind, or all I wished for. I turned round and it was ...Harry!?

"Get away!" I shouted, even though no one would hear me as I was in the middle of no where. Remind me to never go on a run in the middle of the night WHILST in the middle of no-where.

With that Harry placed a gag on me so I couldn't talk and tried to tie my wrist's together, but I managed to sprint out of his grip and immediately called Brooklyn on my phone. When he answered, since I couldn't talk, I had to make a lot of odd noises so he could understand what was happening - all I could do was hope he'd understand and still have my ' find my iphone' set up on his phone and to where I was. The next thing I new Harry had caught up with me and smashed my phone.

"HMMMHHUU!!" I mumbled out, as he tied my finally managed to tie wrist's together and walked me to a van, but I made it hard for him as I struggled out of his grip various times... wow, make this kidnapping more cliché Harry. There was a very big man driving this truck thing . I don't really know what it was as it was dark and I was super stressed out. Yet to say the least, very scared.

It had been about a 30 minuet drive and we were at the side of the Thames river, but the run down area of London. Harry removed my gag and I made the loudest scream possible - shame no-one heard it.

"Get off of me, you pervert!" I shouted, again no one heard

"Why would I? You're perfect for me, and will become my girlfriend after tonight - I told you I'd make you mine, didn't I."

Oh god....



I answered my phone, all I could hear was mumbling and... screaming?! I knew what to do immediately, I used the GPS I set up on Lauren's phone and found out the location- as soon as I knew the location, I rang the police who got down there immediately. By the time I got there Lauren was in the back of an ambulance and my heart just sunk into a never ending black hole. What did they do to my baby girl!? I sprinted as quick as I could through the crowds and saw Lauren sat up with a blanket around here. She was ok. I must have let put the biggest sigh on relief possible, because Lauren assured me she was ok.

"I was so scared" We both said at the same time

"I love you, Brooklyn. You saved my life" Lauren whispered because she was on the verge of tears

"I love you too, i'll always save your life when you need me" I said whilst comforting her the way she loves it.

Lauren snuggled her head into my shoulder and burst into tears, so I hugged her even tighter than before

"It's all over, baby." I whispered into her hair, but I saw something I really didn't want to see. Our family who had already seen Lauren to make sure she was okay had attracted the paparazzi.

"Fu-" I was about to swear when Lauren smashed her lips on mine, not noticing the paps around. I really didn't care at this moment in time so I kissed her back - feeling her smile through the kiss was the best feeling ever. There was still some tears rolling down her cheeks, so I wiped them with my sleeve and gave my jumper to her.

"Classic Brooklyn- has to make everything as cheesy and bigged up as possible, hey!" Harry shouted from the other side of the road. He was in hand cuffs along with this other fat, tall dude. Remind me why I used to be friends with this doofus, please.



It had been an hour and a half since Brooklyn appeared with our parents, my mum was pouring tears out of her eyeballs and my dad was joking about self defence - just what I need right now!

"Mum, Dad can I go and see Brooklyn please?" I asked, looking at Brooklyn in the distance

"Ur.. yeah sure honey" My mum said, obviously a bit shocked I wasn't interested in her at all

I ran over to Brooklyn who was talking to the man driving the police car, discussing what happened by the sounds of it.

"oh" Brooklyn said as he turned around startled " hey princess, you okay? Your parents okay?" he said whilst staring into my eyes.

"yeah... Brooklyn?"

"Uh huh" He said with this cute smile on his face

" Wha-what happens to me now... if he comes for me again..." I shivered at the creepiness of what I just said, this was turning into one of those stupidly scary TV romance shows.

"He won't, they are taking him to court but I'm not sure what else - I am your boyfriend would I let that happen?"

"well..." still, he could not be there and -

"You're stupid" Brooklyn chuckled and gave me a piggy back to the car, finally.



So a crazy thing just happened- I hit 1k last week and now have 1.1k LIKE WTH ?! Love you guys and sorry for the late update :( hopefully updating regualy now though ;)

Remember - 70 votes = competition to win an account shoutout and 100 votes a competition to win a story shoutout :D


My musically- @india_turner

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