CHAPTER 21 (First day of school)

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I was sat on the blue chair at reception with Brooklyn, he had his hand on my knee to assure me everything was going to be okay. No we weren't in hospital, it was my first day in year 12 at school. Since it's my first day in sixth form it means last year I did my GCSE'S and this year I am going to pass all of my A levels- hopefully.

"Lauren, stop procrastinating it's going to be fine!" Brooklyn smiled

The uniform for this school is pretty much the same as my old school, and every school to be honest. It consist's of a blazer, a blouse, a pleated skirt for the girls and a jumper for the winter. However the colours where a shade of deep forest green, and a white shirt. The boys had a tie which I am glad we don't have to wear one, because in my old school we had one and it was very annoying.

"I know... I know.." I must admit it was kind of exciting

"Ah! Lauren! Welcome to our school. Bethany here is going to be taking care of you for the next couple of weeks, since we have put you two in all of the same classes! Enjoy!" Mrs Partridge said, who I am guessing is the receptionist who works here.

"Hi! I am Beth! Nice to meet you" Bethany smiled at me

"Hi, what's our first class then?" I chirped, trying to make conversation since the receptionist had already introduced us

"Chemistry" She answered

"Yay!" We chuckled because we said yay at the same time, guess it's both our favourite subject then.


We had just finished second period and it was break, however we only had 15 minuets so I doubt I could walk to the otherside of the school to see Brooklyn. Honestly, It has been nice to talk to a girl and in a way, get away from Brooklyn since he is pretty much the only person my age I have seen in a month and a half. Sad I know.

"I can't beleive how much we have in common, it's like this is some cheesy movie that bestfriends are found haha!" Beth laughed

"Maybe it is, well, at least I hope it is anyway hehe" I giggled, when someone grabbed my butt cheek through my skirt. It wasn't Brooklyn because Beth rolled her eyes, I am assuming it's the schools jerk.

"Nice arse" A boy with curly hair and a well spoken voice like mine whispered in my ear. I turned around when he was walking off laughing with his friends.

"Ignore him, it's the normal" Beth whispered

"Oh, okay"

"Well, it was. He stopped being a jerk years ago, he never does things like that" Beth confused herself and I laughed

"Oh well"


I got home and did my homework, it took me about an hour but it was all good. I rang Brooklyn up and told him about my day, including the annoying cheeky butt grab.
OMF NO WAY YOU GUYS NOT ONLY MADE ME HIT 2k (end of year goal) BUT 2.16k!! Love you guys!
Sorry for the late and short update,  I had no time to write :( this
might be this weeks update too :(
My musically- @india_turner

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