CHAPTER 10 (Missed you)

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Next chapter ;) Sorry its a bit of a filler but things will heat up!
My musically- @india_turner


Last night I watched the boys finish up their little 'play fight' in the swimming pool, and since it was getting late they all went back to Brooklyn's house. If you don't count the whole Harry thing, it was probably one of the most fun and very entertaining nights in a while. However, I am missing some girls company. I'll just have to wait until school starts and I'm sure I will find a bestie! In my old school we had our own little squad of five people. We all keep in touch still but honestly- I think we will loose each other and, as selfish as this sounds, I don't really mind. They meant the world to me and they still do, its just I'm not sure we would really see each other anymore anyway. There's still another 5 weeks of the holidays, and I'm already bored.

I decided to go and get some lunch from our new chef/ household manager Elena (El-ay-na) .We hired her as my parents are often at work, well, everyday apart from weekends. Yes we won the lottery but we were quite well off anyway, what would my parents do all day with out work? Exactly. Pretty much nothing - they love their jobs anyway

"Morning Lauren, well afternoon now, but I've made lunch for you and your friend over there" Elena said. Wait .. friend? I turned round to Brooklyn reading the rollacoasta magazine, eating his sandwhich, his feet where on the coffee table. For some reason I wasn't very surprised

"How did I guess you would be here already?" I chuckled sarcastically as I said this "Is that you?" I swore I just saw him on the cover of the magazine he was just reading

"Yep. I had a photoshoot about 2 months ago with them, sexy eh? Hahah" Brooklyn gave me the eyes he did on the cover of the magazine.

"Wow Brooky, you really know how to flatter girls don't you?" I said whilst fanning myself - still joking though, obviously

"Lauren! Lunch is still here!" Elena called. I never forget about food! Especially lunch... I grabbed my soup (as granny as it sounds I love carrot and coriander soup), and perched my bum next to Brooklyn's.

"SHIT" Whoops I said that out loud, oh well it was needed! I was still in my pyjamas, and looked like I had just left my bed.

"What? Is it the fact that you are wearing your short shorts pyjama set?" Brooklyn laughed and smacked my bum in a jokily manner

"Exactly that" I ran upstairs and got changed into a pair of white and black checkered leggings, and a black 'The Vamps' tour concert t-shirt (this one is my dressy one, not my lounging one), and slipped on some neon pink socks. Who says I can't be vibrant? Brushing my hair and my teeth at the same time was a challenge, but I manged to do it. Then dashed down stairs again.

"5 minuets - I think you just broke the record for a girl getting ready." Brooklyn stated whilst laughing

"Its not usually that quick for me though" I said whilst re-perching my bum on the arm of the sofa. But I quickly realised I had missed and landed with a quick thump on the cold, hard marble floor.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Brooklyn couldn't stop laughing, what a bitch

"That hurt y'know!" I was also laughing through my pain. I got up and rubbed my bum, I think I will have a bruise there later. I finally managed to sit down, with out falling over this time, and started to eat my soup with a bit of small talk from Brooklyn. As I finished my lunch I realised I had a question I had yet to ask him, how didn't I think of this earlier?! Like ... 3 weeks earlier?

"Brooklyn" Argghh I hope he does go there...

"Yah Lauren"

"Random question, but what school do you go to?" I asked rather out of the blue

"St. Peters private school, why?" (I have no idea what school he goes to and this one is made up lol)

"Really?! YESS!!!!!" Maybe I shouted that out a little too loud

"Woah why are you excited Lauren?" Brooklyn asked whilst putting his hand on my shoulder to stop me from jumping up and down

"THATS THE SCHOOL IM GOING TO!!!!" I said, once again, shouting at the top of my lungs

"YES!!!" Brooklyn was now doing the same as me, both jumping up and down on the sofa and dancing very, very strangely.



Nothing has really happened in the past two weeks apart from the fact me, Brooklyn and the lads have hung out a lot more and we now see each other as our second family. Since we have 3 weeks left of the holidays, mine and Brooklyn's parents have planned a quick holiday to Dubai in our new summer villa! I am so excited as we only have 3 days left until we are leaving, and the villa is AMAZING. We decided that we wanted a villa to share between the Beckham's and us, so we payed half-zees. It has 6 bedrooms ... as it's a small but posh retreat on private beach! There is only one problem that our parents obviously knew about but they didn't tell us - me and Brooklyn would have to share a room. Honestly i don't know why Cruz and Romeo share a room. Well, I didn't until David told us that Romeo gets very stressed with Cruz sometimes. Its not the fact I don't want to share a room with Brooklyn its just the bathroom situation! What if I'm on my period and he hears the ripping of the pads? What if he walks in whilst I'm in the shower!? Oh well, Im sure he won't.

"Lauren!" My mum shouted from the kitchen


"You ready?"

"Uh huh- coming!" Today me and my parents were going to Londo zoo because... well... why not? The Beckham's had gone to LA in their second home for the past couple of days so I've missed them, and all of the boys apart from Matt are at a football tournament in Leeds, so Matt tagged along with us today.

"Leggo" Matt said whilst offering me a hand up off the couch. We got into the car and drove there. By the time I got there me and Matt had probably burst our vocal chords the loudness we were singing - but Matt was pretty good at singing! I carefully got out of the land rover trying not to fall onto ANOTHER boy, and to my luck I didn't! We looked around the zoo for about an hour then decided we would grab some lunch when I got a call, to my surprise it was Brooklyn! I sqeeled and answered the phone. It turned out he was coming home at 5pm and was already on the plane, getting ready for the next flight as it was a changeover. Finally he is coming home!

"Matt, brooklyn's coming home in 4 hours!" I told him all up in Matt's face

"Woah calm down! Finally they will be back haha!" Matt looked almost as happy as me, but for some reason a tiny bit... jealous?



Brooklyn was due home in 1 hour, and i'd just had a shower, washed and dried my hair, and gotten dressed. Since I didn't want to look dressy but not too casual I put on my white skinny jeans with a black flowy top that had the shoulders cut out, also a pair of vans. (Picture above of outfit)
"They're back!" My mum called up stairs
Wow they are earlier than I thought! Oh well, that's better obviously! I started to run down the stairs when I heard the rest of the Beckham's in the kitchen apart from Brooklyn. It was then I realised he was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. After realising this, I sprinted down the stairs and straight into his arms. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he supported me and gave me the biggest hug yet.
"I've only been gone 2 days" Brooklyn whispered
"That's long enough for me hehe" I replied as he put me down
"So what have you been up to lately? Whilst I've been gone of course" Brooklyn obviously wanted to know if I've gotten a boyfriend- he is super protective like a brother now!
"Well been hanging around with Matt a bit.. You?"
"Just caught up with Chlöe Mortez a bit that's all"
When he said this a splash of jealously ran through my body ... Why am I jealous ?
"Missed you" Brooklyn said to me "and if you're wondering, Chloe Mortez is nothing of a friend compared to you" how sweet of him :)


Remember keep voting and promoting! It makes me update so much quicker if I know people are reading this, so favourite this chapter if you are going to continue reading :)

Love you all xxxx

The lottery and lampposts [COMPLETED] (Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now