CHAPTER 8 (We will keep you safe)

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They all nodded in agreement.

"We will keep you safe Lauren, even though I have known you less than 1 hour, I know how much you mean to Brooklyn." Lewis added

"Yeah, guys? Can we add a group member?" Matt asked

"YEAH!!!" All the boys shouted, apart from Brooklyn who just smiled at me and whispered in my ear "Told you"

"Thanks guys, I'd love too" I said, as I smiled through my tears

"I've got an idea! Lets play thruth or dare!" Lewis piped up

"Yes!" I said

We all arranged ourselves in a circle on the cinema room seats, and started to play

"Ok so, who wants to start?" Joe said

"I will!" Brooklyn said "Ok, Lauren, truth or dare?"

"Dare, bare in mind I have a broken nose" I answered

"Ok, I dare you to... prank call your mum saying we are dating"

"Brooklyn I can't do that!"

"Its either that, or kiss me" He winked "Im joking! Haha, either ring her or I will put you on the lilo again"

"Ugh ok..."



M:Hello Lauren, i am just coming home from work. Whats the matter?

L: Well... I wanted to tel you that.... umm.... me and Brooklyn are dating

M: HA! I told Victoria you would be dating soon ! Look I've got to go...

L: Mum! Wait it was a prank...

M: oh... oh well! I still think you will haha

L: I hope you don't mind but Brooklyns friends are round

I then got a chorus of "Your friends"

My mum said it was ok and hung up, wow I wasn't expecting that

"Well, I didn't expect that" I said laughing, rolling on the floor but I then bumped my head on Joe's leg

"OWW! My nose"

"Oh, sorry laur" Joe said... wait Laur?

"Laur?" Brooklyn piped up, he seemed a bit annoyed he called me a nickname "I have been trying to think of a cute nickname for ages and you find it" He jokily pouted

"What do I call you? Brooky?" I laughed as I spoke


"I was only joking"

"Well, call me that anyway... I like it!" Brooklyn said.

"Awww.... baby Brooky!" I said in a baby 'accent'

We carried on playing truth or dare when we heard the door open

"Hello darling!" It was my mum

I introduced her to everyone in the gang, and she left... obviously busy with some more work or something as she retreated to her office. As I was in a deep conversation about the recent FA cup with the boys, Brooklyn's phone rang and I saw the caller ID 'Harry' Oh then this will be fun (not).

Obviously as I was sat next to Brooklyn, I could hear him talking but not the other end (Harry) and to be honest, I was glad as I had no idea what he wanted to say. As Brooklyn started to get more annoyed, he got up and paced the room - then he threw his phone at the floor and rushed to the front door. What was he doing? What if Harry is round his house? What if he found out where I live?

"Brooklyn!" No response "Brooklyn what are you doing!? Wait up!" I was shouting loud enough for him to hear - he was obviously ignoring me for a reason

"No, wait here. The boys will keep you safe" He didn't even stop to look around at me

"Safe? From what? Tell me! Please!" By then, he was out of the door.


Sorry for the VERY short chapter, but I have updated a huge one this week and this is a good kickstart to whats happening next! Keep tweeting me ideas (@india_xox2859) :) Love you all and thanks for 200 reads! XD
My musically- @india_turner

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