Airports (part 2)

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I put my lips on his and smiled through the kiss, his hands snaked around my waist and we must've stayed like that for at least 5 minuets. I then realised I was moving to Australia- why? Why am I leaving Brooklyn - my only bit of insecurity...?

"Come with me? Let's run away." I said to Brooklyn out of the blue
"Why not" he said with a smirk
"Let's go buy you a ticket then" I cooed running off to the ticket desk
We bought ticket and he got his mum to drop him off a suitcase - they already packed it as they'd know he'd end up coming with me. We said good bye to our families and jumped on the plane. Sadly me and Brooklyn where separated on the flight - he was sat next to this creepy old woman and I was sat next to this old man on different sides of the plane.
As I sat down the man said to me
"Are you with him?" He then pointed to Brooklyn
"Yes- he's my boyfriend" I smiled at Brooklyn who wasn't looking back at me - he was on his phone listening to music whilst the old woman was prodding him. Lol.
"He wouldn't survive a world war with that hair- wouldn't be able to put a bloody helmet on!" The old man let out a deep croaky laugh. As I joined in he turned to me - "would you mind me and your boyfriend swapping seats? Just because my wife is sat next to her and I thought you might like to sit next to him"
"Oh! That would be lovely! Nice meeting you!" I cooed as he walked off.
"Well hello my lady" a voice that was deeper than normal whispered in my ear
"Brooky! Has your voice finally broken!?" I whispered and kissed him whilst I laughed.
"Love you" he said
"Love you too" we were both smiling at each other like idiots and the rest of the flight went so slow. We cuddled and watched movies the whole way and since it was a long flight to Australia we had to get off of the 12 hour plane and onto another 10 hour plane. Great.
HOPE YOU ENOJYED :) x 3.37k  reads! Thank you guys :) x

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