CHAPTER 5 (Shopping trip)

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It's quite a short chapter, sorry!
My musically- @india_turner


Lauren's POV


As I un-plugged my phone from the charger, my thoughts were interrupted by my parents

"ARE YOU READY TO GO!??" My dad shouted up the stairs

"Yeah, one sec!" I replied

I raced down the stairs and was greeted by Victoria, Cruz, Romeo, Harper and of course, Brooklyn - no sign of David though. I think mum said something about him being at an interview...

"Oh it's little devil!" Brooklyn greeted me

"Hi, are you stalking me as I thought I only saw you a couple of hours ago?" I chuckled

"I think your seeing things" He winked

"Hello Victoria and co!" I laughed at what I had called them

"Hi lovely! How are you? I have heard Brook caused you a bit of trouble this morning" She laughed

"Yes, yes he did!" By now we were all stumbling out of the door laughing and in hysterics but we eventually made it to the car, and were on our way into the centre.

Brooklyns POV


I was wedged in between Lauren and harper, I didn't mind being next to either of them to be honest. Plus it was only a 10 minute car ride into town. Our driver asked if we wanted the radio turned up and Lauren of course said yes, she loves her music. Suddenly, a Shawn Mendes song blasted through the speakers and she started to sing along - wow her voice was amazing! God I can't fall for her already, I've known her for two days but I feel like I've known her forever. My thoughts were interrupted when I got a nudge on the shoulder from Harper

"Broookkkk!!!" She called

"What? Im next to you so theres no need to shout" I beamed out

"Sing with me and Lauren!" Harper was practically begging

"Ugh... fine" I smirked. Then the whole car was singing - even the driver. I just made the words up as I didn't know them, but they sounded pretty similar anyway.

"Yay your'e finally singing !" Lauren laughed

"Yep, I was 'forced' by Harper" I turned to see Lauren laughing her head off

That car journey was probably one of the quickest yet most funniest ones ever! Trust me, I have been on a lot of them. As we hopped out of the car I squeezed past Harper to get out first, so I could unclip her from her chair and help her down, so I did just that. Lauren was about to jump out when she landed on her ankle wrong and landed on top of me. RIGHT on top of me.

"Oh my word, I am so sorry! Ouch..." Lauren's eyes pricked with tears

"Good job you softened my fall" She giggled

" Yep, are you ok?" I asked seriously

"Oh yeah I'm fine, just hurt my ankle a bit" She replied

Lauren got up and was limping a bit so I put my arm around her shoulder to support her. If only I could be this close to her normally...

Lauren's mum's POV (Laura)


Just seeing Lauren and Brook together I can tell one day they will be an item! I didn't even check on Lauren when she fell as I was helping Victoria get the children out of the car, when i heard a loud thump and looked over to see the funniest thing ever!

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