CHAPTER 4 (Swimming pool fun)

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A/N: School facts may not be accurate in this story, although I am from england, nor the facts about Brooklyn but I will do my best! :) Also thanks for the support I have gotten lately, It has only been up of less than 24 hours and I have already had 34 views! It may not seem a lot to many other authors but since it's my first book i'm so happy!
My musically- @india_turner

Lauren's POV


I woke up to my lovely, new bedroom. I thought it was weird how I woke up in a different place, then last nights events came flooding back to me! Oh my word. It wasn't a dream ! Not that I though it was or anything, just a bit surreal - I better get used to it. It was only 10 am, and it was a Thursday... yes, that's early for me. Seeming that it's currently the summer holiday's , I will be starting a new school in my final year - GCSE year . I wasn't too worried as I have always been a bright kid, and if anything I was not nervous as I had my future set out infront of me already. My parents didn't want to spoil me - they wanted me to be a normal teenager (not spoilt). Therefore, I had to get my own decent job, buy my own house, pay for my own driving lessons and so on ; my parents would just help out if I needed it. I really wanted a specified career and it just turned out to be a doctor... My mums job. I really loved my parents. They were not pushy, helpful but not too helpful - just the perfect and best pair of adults to take care of me, myself and I.

After pondering about all my thoughts again, I grabbed my phone and checked twitter - I only had 37 followers and they were pretty much all inactive ... the only things I tweet is things to YouTubers, celebs or my friends. I loved instagram though - I had over 2000 followers and 1000 post's, I had had it for about 3 years and knew how to work it inside out. I probably posted about 4 times a day, getting about 30 likes per photo - See! I know my instagram backwards.

I finally decided to shove my lazy arse out of bed, I checked the time .

"10:15.... what to do..." I mumbled to myself

I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, put on a bit of waterproof make up as I might go in the pool- just a bit of mascara will do, then chucked on my white and hot pink triangle bikini and an overthrow to keep the chill off of me - Its a good job it's an indoor pool! I then styled my hair into a french plait with a slight quiff in the front to add a bit of texture.

"GRRRRMMMBBBBBLLLEEE" My stomach almost screamed at me, then I realised it was almost 10:45 and I hadn't eaten or drunk anything.

"BREAKFAST TIME!" I sung on my way down the stairs.

In the kitchen I was met by my parents up and dressed, both with a coffee in hand and discussing the latest democratic issues. I was personally quite interested, so I took a breakfast bar from the cupboard and a carton of apple juice and sat down on the dining room chair to be included in the discussion. After 15 minuets of friendly debating, I had clearly got my point across rather well , so I asked my parents about todays plan

"What are we doing today?" I asked out of the blue

"Well, I think we are going shopping and meeting Victoria and the kids, not david though as he is at an interview" Mum replied rather unsurely

"Ok" Pool here I come!

I started to power walk to the swimming pool when mum stopped me

"Be ready for 1pm darling!" She shouted abruptly

"Ok, Im going in the swimming pool for a bit so will be ready for then"

"Have fun!" She cooed

Yay! Swimming pool here I come. I couldn't wait any longer so I ran as quick as I could and in no time, I was there. SPLASHHHHHH! I didn't even bother checking my surroundings and dived straight in - wow this was warm! I preferred my swimming pools colder but I can always change the controls later. I found a docking stationing the corner and plugged in my iPhone, put on my favourite Shawn Mendes album and blasted the music on. Jumping back in the pool I was humming the whole time , until I realised who was behind me...


"Awh shit Brooklyn don't scare me like that!" I said rather sternly

"Mind if i join you?" I turned round to see him in his swimming trunks ... no top on...

"Helllloooo??" He asked, oh dear was I staring? Brooklyn bombed in behind me but there was no sign of him.

"Brooklyn?" I sighed, quite worriedly , but then my head was submerged with water. Luckily I can open my eyes in pool's so I did - to see his face about 5 cm away from mine. I nearly opened my mouth in shock but realised where I was so I floated back up to the top and was met by a very happy Brooklyn who was laughing ALOT.

Brooklyn's POV


I got her again - I got her good! Lets just hope she has no revenge planned anytime soon.

"I am going to kill you!" Lauren cursed

Maybe she does have revenge planned ...

"You were already wet anyway! It makes no difference" I laughed, confidently

"Ugh... whatever..." She tried to swim off but I grabbed her waist and pulled her under the little waterfall

"That's what you get for swimming away!" I burst out laughing

"This is what YOU get for being a big fat meanie!" She pouted, but she didn't do anything...

"LAUREN!!!!!!!" Oh my god... she had pulled my trunks down and sprinted off... good job I was wearing underwear and she didn't even see that - phew!

I jumped out of the pool and grabbed my towel , then walked into the living room and asked her parents where she was

"She is up in her bedroom - she told us not to tell you but I think she has something planned" Her dad laughed

"Ok thankyou!"

I ran up the stairs only to be greeted with her smiling devilishly at me...

"What are you up to?" I asked curiously

"Oh nothing.. just thinking about my revenge earlier" She giggled

I was about to say something when I got a phone call from my mum asking me to come home, we said our goodbyes and I left

Lauren's POV


Brooklyn left an hour ago, it was currently 12:00pm so I had an hour to get ready. I already had a shower and dried my hair - I just need to straighten it. After completing the painful process i applied some liquid foundation, setting powder, concealer and mascara. I don't think I need to grab a bite to eat as we are going to grab a cheeky nando's whilst we are out.

"What to wear..." I whispered to myself .

After a while of debating I took out a pair of ombre jeans, a fitted knitted jumper and my favourite , pink fluro vans - I was ready to go!

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