The end (part 3)

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We stepped out of the car, hand in hand, and saw the house. It was a huge 7 bedroom mansion on the beach front - literally the front of the house was on the beach.

"wow" I whispered in awe

Brooklyn pulled me into a huge hug and span me around, giving me a passionate kiss. We went into the house and it was huge.
"Why do we deserve this ?" I said as I sat on the couch
"I don't know" Brooklyn answered
We then sat on the sofa watching Netflix before going into the pool.
I couldn't be bothered to get out my suitcase so I just jumped in my clothes
"UGH I'm going to have to wash these now" I fake cried
"You should have just gone and got your bikini, Loz"
"DONT CALL ME LOZ BROOKLYN !!" I swam over and splashed him, and shoved him underwater. My plan then backfired as he pulled me under- we both opened our eyes under water and we were both smiling st each other but with a barrier of bubbles between our faces. Brooklyn pulled me out of he water and gave me a kiss - oh god I loved him.
AND THAT IS IT :) remember to recommend other stories for me to do and of i should to an epilogue to this story :)
Thank you so much to the people who have read, voted and commented
I love you truly <3
My musically- @india_turner

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