CHAPTER 9 (Not you again Im ok thanks)

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Sorry about the last chapter, I wanted to keep you updated but didn't have a lot of time to write! Normal updates on weekends, but may miss a week here and there - I WILL TRY I PROMISE!!!
My musically- @india_turner


Lauren's POV


I have no idea what he is doing. Why keep me 'safe'? What is there not to be 'safe' from? I left the corridor and re-enterd the cinema room, to be joined once again with the boys.

"Whats the matter with him?" I asked anyone of them in-directly

"Not sure... but we think we have an idea" Matt said " But we will protect you, even though its not a huge problem at all, its Harry, for some reason he is lashing out at Brooklyn at his house" He carried on

"Please can we go over there? Please!" I pleaded

"I wou-" Matt was interrupted by a slam of the door and Brooklyn racing in - phew he's alive! I laughed out loud at how seriously I was taking this minuscule problem

"Lauren, he wants to talk to you - he needs too" He was out of breath, but no signs of a fight which was a huge relief

"But... but I don't want to!" I was now upset, angry and... god- I don't even know!

"Look, you have to. We will be on standby ok? If you need anything call one of our names" Brooklyn then whispered in my ear "Preferably mine though" With a shy smile on his face.

"Ugh fine. Where is he?" I gave in to Brooklyn, and probably my own patience too

"Outside on your doorstep already - desperate cow" Brooklyn muttered the last words under his breath but I still heard them

After walking out of my door, I was greeted by a rather depressed and sad looking Harry. I was persistent with myself that this trick won't work this time, nor again.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly

"You." That was my reply

"In which way? I would LOVE to be friends with you again after that! Sure!" My anger levels where rising, meaning I had started to be very sarcastic.

"No. As a relationship. In a relationship even. Be my girlfriend!" Just what I expected, wow he is desperate.

"Look, you have had your chance and do you realise how much that breakup hurt me? It wasn't even an official breakup - you cheated on me! I feel like I have lost trust in all boys - well, I had until Brooklyn came along. And, yes, I am trying to make you jealous. I don't care if you think we are dating or even if you are just jealous of our friendship - I want you to learn a lesson. Thats how I felt when I was around you when you were eyeing up other girls. No more chances, but you can be my friend ... deal?" I was regretting me shouting at him a bit too much...

"Sure." But he didn't look up " I am so sorry, you don't even know. You were the only girl I have ever cheated on and it wasn't on purpose"

"Sure it wasn't" I said, whilst still in my blunt and sarcastic tone still

I then started to walk inside, as I still needed to express my anger and talk it out with Brooklyn, when Harry grabbed my ankle, so I turned round and he went to punch me - he just swung his fist in front of my face! Obviously Brooklyn was watching us, as he was already here and I hadn't even called his name. Luckily he came in time so neither of us got a mark on our bodies at all, but Harry sure did. Brooklyn punched him once, then Harry ran off.

"Lauren are you ok?" He asked, once again whilst comforting me

"Yeah Im fine, but what about you?"

"Im brilliant - so happy in fact that we have got him out of our lives. But I have a feeling keeping him out won't be that simple." He nervously laughed at the end of his sentence. Surprisingly neither of our parents witnessed this and don't know about this whole thing, thats because we want to keep it secret. You may be thinking, thats stupid as you will get hurt even more, but its not. Simply because if we told them, then our parents would stop ourselves from seeing each other.

"I can't imagine my life with out you anymore" I spoke quietly "In fact I can" I answered my own logic

"What are you getting at?" He sounded the tiniest bit of angry, probably because of my second answer

"Yep, I can imagine life without you easily. It would be the most boring, dull, annoying life anyone could wish for" I laughed in between my words

"You got me for a second then Lauren haha" He smiled whilst also laughing



Wow, that Harry is such an idiot. I know we are only 16 but we are all so mature in compare to him and other teenagers our age - he has kind of done a good job though. Not the fact that he upset Lauren... defiantly not! But the fact that it has brought me and her together even more; she trusts me more, I have been able to show her what I am capable as a friend. Okay, maybe a best friend. I have known her for about ... 5 days? I can't keep count, as I feel that I have known her forever - maybe I have found my long lost soul mate - best friend?



Brooklyn walked me back into the house, and we had a race into the cinema room - obviously he won. We all arranged ourselves again and commenced with the truth or dare game, that last time, was interrupted by a rude selfish little teenager. It was Joe's turn to ask someone of his choice

"Matt, truth or dare?" Joe asked

"Dare??" Matt sounded VERY unsure of what was to come next

"Ok, I dare you to throw Brooklyn into the pool!" Joe was in one of those moods where he just couldn't get the words out fast enough - very skittish and laughy.
"I'll do it but why is that bad for me? Surely it's worse for Brooklyn because he gets wet" Matt replied. Then it clicked... If he threw him in the water Brooklyn would get angry and have a go at him - or just pull him into the water. Yeah probably the second option.
"Clever thinking Joe" I spat out as I was laughing so much. God, I really loved these boys, I'm glad I met all of them! Before I had even thought about my thoughts thoroughly, Matt was dragging Brooklyn by the ankles out of the room. To my surprise Brooklyn wasn't even struggling - he just started moaning and groaning as his bare back was getting stuck to the floor... ouch...

"Matt stop he might get... marble burn?" I suggested whilst still chuckling- we were all in a very giggly mood this afternoon

"Fine, I will just have to use my super strength" Matt smirked

"Not as strong as me though are you?" Brooklyn spoke through his laughs, then did that thing were boys punch each other in the arm. I really don't get that. Matt was now sprinting with Brooklyn over his shoulder - wow Matt was pretttyyyy fit....

"SPLASH!" I take it Brooklyn is now in the pool "SPLASH!" And probably, now Matt too. I walked round the corner and through the glass wall, saw all 4 of them splashing water at each other and pushing their heads under. Now I know why boys are 'boys-tress'.

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