Between Stars and Shadows (reg pov)

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Tw: fighting (both physically and verbally)


Every day the sun will rise, no matter what happens in that day, it doesn't matter what changes, It doesn't matter who dies, who lives, it doesn't matter how happy or sad you are, it doesn't matter if the world is coming together, falling apart, the sun will always rise, and it will always set. Like a constant phenomenon and the universe that we all revolve around, the sun rises and the sun sets. Over and over and over again, no matter what happens.

Doesn't matter what the day before brought You'll feel its warmth playing on your skin, heating your soul, making life better and bright. At the end of the day, the sun will set with Stars and the darkness filling in the sky.

James Potter was changing. That was apparent to anyone who took a second look at him. And yet, every day the sun rises and sets.

Funny, isn't it? That one constant in the world, full of change, of despair, of regret, of darkness. One bright constant. That's what James Potter is. Bright constants don't change, even if their appearance does. The sun revolved within the center of our universe, and everything revolving around it.

But people often forget that the sun is also a star. The sun, much like stars Have its flaws, have its bad days, have its good ones, have its changes, Have its place in the Galaxy, its place in the sky. Both generate warmth. Both generate light. But one is so much brighter in a world that is changing than the other.

A lot of people are scared of the sun changing, people are scared of the sun becoming a star. So, people Forgot that the sun was already a star.

I liked, what the sun was turning into. I liked that the sun was becoming bright enough to warm itself, not just everything around it. I liked that the sun was beginning to not just give everything else light and warmth or life but now the sun gives it to itself. The sun was now letting itself have that same chance to try something new and scary, giving itself the leeway to be an asshole, to be selfish time to time. The sun was giving its self the opportunity to become the sun that it always wanted to be.

People are scared of Changing that constant. I have to wonder how much people actually know about the sun other than the obvious.

Most people think the sun is just a ball of fire. But it's not, but the sun is made of hydrogen and helium held together by its own gravity. The sun is not on fire, it's not burning, it's just chemicals packed together so much by itself that it makes the thing that fuels the life on earth.

I don't think the sun was changing, I think people were now seeing the sun for what it truly is.

One day during breakfast in the Great Hall James's eyes clip flickering back to the Gryffindor table, shifting between Lupin, Pettigrew and my brother.

Lupin looked particularly sickly today. My brother was more fidgety than normal, almost like his everything's fine mask was cracked. Pettigrew was sitting with a Hufflepuff whose name I believe is Benji Fenwick, and Ravenclaw girl who claimed to be a seer and Was friends with Pandora named Sybil Trelawney. Something was different, about all four of them, something was different about the Marauders or former Marauders, whatever they were now.

I tugged on James's hand under the table. When his head spun around to look at me, "Are you okay?" He placed on a fake smile I haven't seen in ages as he responded - As he lied, "I'm fine."

That's the meal carried on the same, each of the four eyes continuously flicking to each other. I circled around explanations in my head over and over again, always coming up with nothing. I knew it had to have something to do with whatever my brother did. But James still refused to tell me but I knew I was figuring it out slowly.

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