Summertime sadness part one

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tw: family conflict

the summers are always written in changing pov but the normal chapters are not, and the summers are all names after songs this one is obviously named after summertime sadness.



My mother sat me down in the sitting room with Narsissa, who I had been spending the bulk of my time with, her husband Lucius, Bella, and my father. I could feel that deep down inside I was trembling but in the noble house of black we do not show trembling, we show smirks when we win and neutral smiles when we lose, I held one of those neutral smiles not knowing if I was about to win or lose. My mother cleared her throat ordering Kreacher to get us tea. I could feel the 5 pairs of eyes on me digging into my skin, no one wanted to make the first move, something you learn young here. Lucius sipped his tea as more people entered the room. Several minutes later Rabastan and Rudolphus entered Rudolphus sat next to his wife Bellatrix both holding powerful manic grins.

My mother cleared her throat taking the bullet slyly asking me "Regulus do you know the meaning of your first name?"

I shifted in my seat refusing to look weak I answered without a moment's hesitation "Little king."

"Exactly." Bellatrix cut in, Narcissa seemed to go pale, she knew what was going to happen I could only wait and not let the small flame of hope die out.

"and Regulus," Lucius sneered "do you know the meaning of your brother's name?"

I could feel my bones freeze over and a knot form in my stomach "canis major, the dog star."

"Orion's dog." Rabastan mused.

"You see regulus your brother was meant to fallow in your father's footsteps you were meant to be a king." my mother finished. I glanced to Narcissa who mothed back 'I'm sorry'. Please don't let it be the mark, I thought, I want more time.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked in the least abrupt way I could. My mother smiled that was rarely a good thing.

My father quipped "you were meant for great things my son."

"I want you" a new dark voice cut in from behind me cutting out any hope left in me "to volunteer with my death eaters." pale skin, blood shot eyes, cheek bones that could cut stone, dark hair, a black suit, a single gold and black ring on his thumb. His presence sent a shiver down my spine, but it was hidden behind my mask that never cracked. I cleared my threat trying to get rid of the lump that seemed to have formed "my lord." I greeted.

"We would love your service late next year." His cold voice cut through the room, I could suddenly feel all the eyes on me burning my skin and drowning me from the inside.

"I'm confused." I admitted looking through the room as the dark lords' hand dropped to my shoulder and he stood next to my chair, it felt like he already owned me in a way.

"Oh regulus" my mother sneered "don't act so dumb, your in."

"Not yet mis black," he smiled "we have serval raids planed in the late moths of the next term and well... we would love to get you familiar with our ways before we give you your mark."

"We have big things planed for you Dark-star." I remembered for a fleeting the day she gave me the nickname, it was over my brother's first year at school, Bella visited for the holidays and noticing my skill for those type of events, I remember her walking over to me the same look coaching me through who was worth my time and wo wasn't I remember the feeling of aw course through my veins. The same cousin smiled at me with a familiar manic look in her eyes.

To Let it All go Down in Flames  - jegulus/starchaserWhere stories live. Discover now