But they'll Clip Your Wings (james pov)

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this chapter picks up the same day the last one left off


I had plans to meet regulus for breakfast in the kitchens. I ended up waiting for 47 minutes and 32 seconds; not that I was counting. I sat on the table's edge snapping my foot agents the stone floors, the sound echoed through the room as house elves would accusingly shoot me pitying looks. But I thought nothing of it, regulus would be coming, he has never not come before.

Seeing Regulus today was supposed to act as a sort of reward for last night's full moon, a pick me up if you will after a very long night. No matter what me and padfoot did, Moony refused to settle down. Lucky though I only got a few scratches and a brushed rib. I have had much worse.

On our way back from the full Sirius grew strange and wandered off not even brushing his teeth or getting a few minutes of shut eye (or beauty sleep as he called it) before classes and breakfast.

"Can we get you anything master Potter?" Wigby asked with a forced grin coming over to me and sitting on the table.

"No thank you Wigs." I responded with a sigh.

The house elf only looked back pityingly "Master Potter?"


"Wigby doesn't think he's coming."

Regulus was never the type to be late, much less to just not show up.

I was on my third cup of stress coco.

Wigby ended up checking in on me three times in the next ten minutes. After a while I got fed up and too anxious (and finally acknowledging the feeling instead of pushing it away – an act regulus would have been proud of me for, if he had actually been at breakfast).

I ended up going to the dorm in a rush, and seeing Sirius still wasn't back, Remus was in the hospital wing, I only found Peter asleep in his bed, shoes still on, no blankets. I huffed and smiled walking past him to my own bed getting the map.

I hurriedly scanned the mad my heart pounding in my ears. I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. I had no reason to think this and yet the sick scene made a home in my stomach.

Regulus's name was alone in the astronomy tower, that almost made me come to ease because nothing bad happened in the astronomy tower; it was our place, or safe spot. But the feeling pressed on.

I left the tower rushing down the halls nearly sprinting if it hadn't been for lilly Evans the girl I chased after for years, ironically, I ended up bumping into her making us both fall to the ground.

"Shit sorry Lill's." I groaned, my head throbbing.

"It's cool..." she said, giving me a hand and rubbing her head "have you seen Pan?"

"No, have you seen Reg?"

She huffed out a slight laugh and finished straightening her cloths "No, only Sirius he was running off though in some sort of rush,"

"Great, thanks."

She whipped her head around as I made my way over to the staircase. "Yeah, but I uhh got to go."

"Right" I nodded, still trying to edge away without being rude. "And Lill's?"

She finished adjusting her uniform "Yeah?" I smiled to myself thinking back to the map and just across from regulus's all the way outside the castle (thankfully it had stopped snowing by this time of year) stood a name beginning with a p named after a mystery box.

"Check the green houses."

A look of relief stretched over her face easing the slight bags under her eyes "Thanks."

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