Shattered Illusions (Prongs Pov)

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Tw: -mentions of a quidditch injorey (past)
-the loss of a father (not james and at the very end)
-getting hit in the head by a quaffle (nothing happens and i dont think i need to mention it but i just want to cover my bases)

A blunger flew past my head during a rather poor quidditch practice. It was a week before the game between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor so naturally Frank was panicking. You see it was his first game since his accident last season that could have ended his career if it had not been for the goddess that is Madam Pomfrey. He was hit in the head by a blunger sent by Dorcas Meadowes a rather vicious Slytherin beater.

The whole Slytherin team were ass holes if I'm being honest. Crouch and Avery two of the chasers (who aren't even that good by the way) and are the most arrogant sons of bitches I have haver met (and coming from me that is saying something). There new captain Steve Launghalot is a fucking idiot who doesn't know a quaffle from a snitch. Oh, and don't even get me started on Mulciber he is their keeper and let me tell you... if I was in a room with Voldemort snape and Mulciber and I could only kill one of them... I would still kill Voldemort, but I would hesitate. Meadowes and Vanity are both (well Meadowes at least Vanity can be quite nice) psychotic and blood thirsty. And then Regulus...

That team doesn't deserve Regulus.

Regulus has never not caught a snitch. Not once. And he has been playing since his first year and yeah, you heard me right first year! I didn't even get on the team until 3rd year but regulus... he was built for quidditch his build is slim and perfect for a seeker, his level of focus is impeccable, and if you could ever get the pleasure of seeing him fly... let's just say he is brilliant.

Frank is determined to beat the team but there is only one threat and if Regulus holds out on catching the snitch until the points are in his favor, then we are in trouble. Mary has been driving herself crazy over it. She is a good seeker some of the best I have ever seen but regulus is better then great he is better than perfect he is just... Beautiful.

Why is that the word I keep circling back to describe him?

But he is and I had this weird longing to tell him. I had this picture of his smiling after I told him but not that restrained forced smile that childlike pure happy Regulus smile. And then he would tell me something that would make me smile back and then we would be so close and then-


The picture ended with me kissing that beautiful smile.

Thankfully a quaffle hit me in the head and the sound of my best friends scolding distracted me from- whatever the fuck that was. "James get your head in the game you have been up here 10 minutes and haven't done a thing. I think frank is going to explode soon."

I shook my head and cleared my throat blinking away my thoughts or trying to at least "Sorry pads just, out of it I guess."

He rolled his eyes sending a knot in my stomach "James it is quidditch you can play with your eyes closed you're not out of it you're just not trying."

"Right sorry."

He rolled his eyes again and flew back to the ground as the rest of the team headed into the locker room. But off corse that is the same time the Slytherin quidditch team was coming out on the field. I have no clue why, but I felt myself looking for a certain curly haired seeker. But he wasn't there. And oddly enough I found myself disappointed by that.

I landed and slipped into the locker room taking a hot shower to try and clear my head, thoughts still falling to the same Slytherin. Why? Can anyone tell me why he was always on my mind why did I always want to see him why did I want to know the real him why did I care so much why did I l-

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