How to say goodbye for the last time. (prongs pov)

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Tw: none other then loosing friends (i guess thats a trigger for some) and crying ish


The full moon hung high in the sky looming over us all. I a stoic stag, ran through the night accompanied by a harsh wolf I called friend, a shaggy dark dog, and a small quant rat. The wolf howled towards the sky as it chased the dog. My thoughts were simple short curt, I wasn't weighed down by my complicated feelings or thoughts of my human form. Sounds and smells grew louder and greater filling those corners making the world seem great and colorful again. The deep night full of sharp wind and the sweet lingering smell of fallen snow filled our senses as we ran through the night.

The rat sat between my horns squeaking with every jump or hop, sometimes burying itself into my fur when the wolf and dog played a little too viciously.

We ran over to a small near frozen lake that sat in the middle of the forest, its emerald green waters being a frequent place of rest on long full moon nights in the past. The wolf and dog ran acrost the large rotting long that had fallen acrost the lakes bed years back. They barked and howled as I huffed and snorted taking the rat on laps around the body of water. I laid down by the shore taking a drink of the bitter green cold water, the liquid ran down my throat stinging as I swallowed. The dog ran over to me with the wolf on its tail. The shaggy beat pawed at me before I got back up joining in the game.

We soon ran back to the shack, dashing through trees, passing by small Woodland creatures, we lead the wolf away from a small village that sat next to the vast forest, we kept the rat with us with the dog and I taking turns carrying it on our backs. The wolf grew wary on returning to the shack as it always did but something was different this time, I did not think anything of it in my animal state.

We finally dragged the wolf back, closing the door behind us with a sharp kick. The walls were stained with the wolfs blood, the wood was cracked or decaying, it smelled of harsh blood and urine, fur sat fallen on the ground, sharp scratched pledged the furniture and wallpaper. It was unnerving to me, and the wolf seemed to agree.

As the sun began to rise, taking the place of the moon and stars, the wolf howled in pain as we left it in a small room alone, as howls turned into screams and screams turned into sobs, the dog turned into a human, the rat doing the same. But I had a strange newfound urge to stay in my animal form, life was simple, tragic memory's forgotten, but I soon fallowed my bones shifting and stretching, becoming the same person I always was, the same James Potter I always was.

Sirius dashed acrost the shrieking shack grabbing the loose comfortable clothing Remus always kept for after the full, he then disappeared into the room where a great wolf once stood. Peter laid panting on the ground; I leaned on the door frame letting the mountain of memory's wash over me.

It all started that morning; I woke up in the dorm to the eerily familiar sounds of my dorm mates the same dorm mates I once held over every once else. I huffed rolling to my side not wanting to wake up. Normally I played quidditch in the mornings before school but there were at least 5 inches of snow on the ground. I dragged my eyes open as the light blinded me, grabbed my glasses from my bedside table remembering the small argument with Sirius from the night before. Guilt settled in my veins as I dragged myself out from my bed stretching then dressing in my uniform knotting my tie under my collar. The red felt like it was choking me.

For the first time I took no pride in being a Gryffindor, for the first time the sight of the tie I had once been so fond of disgusted me.

Sirius stood bluntly in the middle of the room almost expectantly, peter laid on his bed looking sad in a way I had never seen him, moony was sat at the desk chair looking a strange mix of annoyed and pissed. Something was wrong, then I remembered as my eyes drifted to the calendar that hung on the fall; it was a full moon. Fuck.

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