Of Quirky Conversations and Unexpected Bonds (Reggie Pov)

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tw: fight/ bullying (light chapter in my opinion.

Does anyone else have that person who is just your person? And I am not talking romantically or anything, just a friend that is your friends no matter what others may rise and fall through the years you have that one person. That person will see you through heartbreak and love, they have seen you through your worst and best and don't treat you any differently for who you are no matter who that person is. They are just your person, and you are theirs.

My person is the ever so lovely Pandora Lestrange.

I didn't meet her until the school year that followed my brother running away. I don't think I wanted to have friends when my brother was in my life. I think my brother fucked me up pretty good when it came to relationships with other people. Not as much as my parents but still a lot. It's almost like I am either all in with people or all out. Never an in-between. Which for some people (like the people who turned out to be my friends) was a good thing. They needed people to be 100% in, And I needed the same, Though I have much doubt that I would admit it aloud.

I remember the day I met pandora it was no less then 5 days after I met Potter on the quidditch pitch the first time. Oh, if I had the words to describe how that interaction made me feel... it was like everything else diapered all my problems, all my insecurities; they all became inconsequential and faded in a way. I was in a daze, and it felt good really fucking good maybe the best that I had felt in a while. But still flustered oh, how panicked I could feel around him. It had always been that way even though we had never spoken before the train I never thought much of the feeling, and I was determined not to then.

I made a quick trip to the kitchens, making conversation with the house elves as I was there, almost forgetting to get food. I had double advanced potions as my first class, so I made my way to the dungeons. Professor Slughorn had always let me work alone. He often said that I didn't need the supervision of a partner.

But not that year.

The second I came into class Slughorn called out "Regulus my boy sit you will be working with the new girl, but I am sure you will help her get the ropes of the class." She had light blond almost white hair, she seemed to radiate curiosity and pureness, her eyes were insightful, and all her features were light and playful.

I sat down next to the rather odd girl in the back of the class the second I was in reach she took my hand shaking it saying "I'm pandora you must be regulus?"

"Uh yeah." I slid my hand out from hers and she gave me an odd look "Great Sluggy gave instructions when you were out, we are making Bubble-Bursting Brew. You know it?"

"Uh vaguely yeah." It wasn't vague but more like I knew the recipe by heart.

"Great I didn't want to start without you, but I did get all the ingredients. Want to start?"

What else he had to do i have no idea but not wanting to be an ass hole I just said "Sure."

I turned the fire on to medium heat and she added the sparking water as I stirred with a silver spoon In silence as the room filled with other students, she began striping the Gilly weed from its stem but for one moment she stopped look at me and, in all seriousness, said "I wonder what Gilly weed ice cream would taste like?" Then she went back to chopping the leaves but a moment later looked to me for an answer.

I remember thinking what the fuck is that question but then I also remember saying "vanilla with hints of salt water with a dash of fish."

She smiled contently at my answer "It would be like a lime green." I sprinkled pixie dust and powdered moonstone, and she took over suturing. "And the slogan would be Gilly weed ice cream a taste of the sea."

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