Melodies in the Night (James Pov)

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no triggers for this chapter it's all fluff and gay panic.


Moony had a pair of pliers, Peter was standing guard, and Padfoot and I were placing the spells for our newest prank. The plan was to have Moony do his smart Moony shit and rewire a clock to shoot out a golden snitch that will disperse a spell every ½ hour to change the weather in the great hall rapidly. One second it is unbearably hot then cold next thing you know it is raining now you can't see through the thick fog... I think it's pretty cool right?

Padfoot and I were putting the spells in the golden snitches and once in a while one of us would get shocked. Every time Moony laughed and Padfoot would throw something at him.

We hadn't been pulling many big pranks lately, just mostly messing with the Slytherins like hovering them in the air or curing them so foam would come out of their mouths. All in good fun of course. The people around us always found it funny and egged us on loving it. Padfoot once said we could run the school because of how popular we were. But usually, the people getting pranked didn't laugh because... well I don't really know why, they were funny pranks or at least the marauders and the rest of the school thought so, so they couldn't have been that bad.

Moony turned away from the clock and dropped the pliers "Okay I am ready for-" but just the peter came running in "We gotta, flitch!"

Sirius and I looked at each other and used our silent communication technique letting each other know to start pushing the stuff into the bright red backpack we had brought. We got our shit together Sirius yelling "wormy go through the pipes and meet us back in the dorm" 

Peter wrinkled his nose "uh but the pipes are so-"

"Just go!"

Wormtail seemed to debate with himself on whether to listen to pads or not, but peter did end up running into a hole in the wall. He didn't seem happy about it but he didn't say anything else about the matter. "James take the bag and the cloak, moons and I can use the map and super hearing also the super smelling shit to get our way, meet us in the dorm got it?"

I don't know if I have ever mentioned that when Peter, Sirius and I became animagi we had taken some of our animal abilities into our human form. The same type of thing happened with Remus and his furry problem. (Remus's wolf powers have always reminded me of when Spiderman got bit by the spiter and had the webbing powers) ... (except Moony is a werewolf who doesn't fight crime and transforms every month, but I still like the connection).

Padfoot shoved the bag into my hands moony taking the map "Why am I taking the bag?" I asked as Sirius rolled his eyes and said, "Because moons and I won't be inadvisable and if we get caught then the supplies got confiscated."

Moony strode to the doorway as covered myself with the cloak "Okay good luck you two." They looked to each other a wide mischievous smile spreading acrost both of their faces "See you on the other side prongs." They ran out, turning a corner and disappearing into the empty hallway.

I looked back to the unfinished prank feeling sad at the thought of it uncompleted but, determining it too risky to finish alone you would need at need two very powerful wizards to mess with the magical compounds of a golden snitch. And I am just one very powerful, handsome, brave wizard.

I ran out of the great hall and through the dark corridors past classrooms up and down stairs, my heart pounding in my chest until I heard the haunting sounds of a violin playing, breaking the silence of the hallways.

It was beautiful, you could hear the passion of the music and the flavorful emotion that was making my heart ache. The music speed up as I stood still unable to move even if I wanted to. I was oddly determined to locate the source of the music so I did what anyone would do, I dashed down the corridor.

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