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Jeff had dropped her off at Chris's house.  She made her way inside and upstairs to the bathroom, instantly taking a shower.  Her fingers running over the spot the doctor had been so focused on.  How could she have missed something like that?  She sighed softly, wrapping a towel around her before walking into the bedroom.  She had texted Nia and asked if it would ne okay if her and Royalty came to the house for dinner.  She wasn't really in the mood for company but she was trying to keep her mind occupied.  She went through Chris's closet, grabbing one of his t-shirts to put on and a pair of sweatpants.  She had her own clothes there but she just wanted to be comfortable.  She checked her phone before crawling into the bed, her head laying on Chris's pillow as she finally took in everything that had happened that day tears streaming down her face as she finally gave into it all.  As she laid there, a soft knock came to the door. 

"Madison... baby it's Joyce.  Can I come in?"  

"Yeah." Madison replied softly.  The door opened and Joyce walked in, making her way over to the bed, sitting down on the corner of it. 

"Chris told me what's going on." Madison nodded, wiping her face. 

"Of course he did." Joyce sighed softly. 

"He's worried sweetie.  You're here by yourself.  And you tend to keep things to yourself."  Madison sighed.  Before Madison could reply, her phone was ringing.  It was the doctor's office.

"It's my doctor.," She answered the phone, "Hello.  Hey Cass.  Oh... Really?  That's a thing?  So am I getting put on something new?  Oh.  Okay.  I see.  Alright. After the procedure.  Makes sense.  Okay.  Thank you so much for calling.  Bye."  She hung her phone up, setting it down next to her. Tears falling harder from her eyes.  

"Sweetie, what happened?  What did they say?" Madison sobbed, wiping her face again. 

"Apparently, I have a high estrogen count.  And they think that is what causing the lump so they want me to stop taking my birth control.  Or at least they think that's what it is.  So now, I can't even take that. I am such a mess." She sobbed.  Joyce sighed and wrapped her arms around Madison.  

"Madison, that's a good thing.  If they think it's your pill, that means it's nothing bad in there.  They will remove it and then figure something else out."  She wiped her face and nodded.

"I didn't think of it like that." Joyce smiled.

"You've just got a lot going on in your mind right now.  You need to breathe and relax.  Chris said Nia and Royalty were coming over."  Madison nodded. 

"And look at me... I am a blubbering hot mess." Joyce laughed and shook her head.

"It's normal.  Get yourself calm.  And if you need anything, I'm here."  Madison nodded and Joyce excused herself.  As Madison began to get herself together, her phone rang.  It was Chris facetiming her.  She quickly tried to hide the fact she was crying before she answered. 

"Hey you." She said, forcing a smile onto her face. 

"How ya feeling" He asked. 

"I'm good.  Your mom was just in here with me. " He smiled.

"I'm sorry I'm not there with you."  She nodded.

"It's fine."  

"So I talked to my manager.  I have 3 days off after the two New York shows.  You fly in on an off day too, so that is when we can go to your parents.  I'll do the two shows and fly back with you for your surgery.  We can look into you flying after back with me.  And if you're not allowed to fly, I will just fly into Clevland the morning of the show so I will be with you for 2 days."  She listened to him talk and couldn't stop herself from blurting out her next sentence. 

"They took my off my birth control." He stopped.

"Wait.  what?  Why?  What does that have to do with what I just said?" She sighed.

"They did blood work today.  I have a high estrogen count.  So they think that is what causing the lump.  Which means, they think it's a fatty tissue and not anything bad.  Obviously, they want to take it out still, but they think my pill is causing it.  So once the lump is gone, they will figure out a new birth control for me."  Chris sat silent for a few moements, processing everything she just said before speaking.

"Okay.  But again, why are you telling me this?" She groaned.

"Since you're the person I am sleeping with, don't you think hat's something you need to know?"  

"Babe, it really doesn't matter to me if you're on birth control or not.  I'm more concerned about you and getting that thing out of your body.  If your pill is what is causing it, then I surely don't want you on it any more.  And if you're worried about sex, we can use condoms.  Hell, we don't even have to have sex until it's figured out.  It's not a huge deal." 

"So now you don't want to have sex with me?" He groaned.

"I didn't say that.  All I am saying is... we can make all of this work.  I am just worried about you."

"I'm sorry.  It's just a lot right now."  He nodded.

"I know babe.  I know.   We will get through it."  She sighed.

"Nia and Royalty are here," She said, as she read the text that popped up on her phone.  She walked downstairs with her phone as they walked in the front door, "Ro your dad is on the phone, do you want to talk to him before his show?"  Royalty smiled and nodded, taking the phone from Madison.

"Hey Daddy.  How's tour?"  She walked off with Madison's phone and Madison sighed, sitting on the couch with Nia. 

"Rough day?" Nia asked.  Madison nodded, filling her in on everything that was going on.  

"He's just being so..." Madison struggled to find the word to descibe Chris to Nia.

"Caring?  A good boyfriend?." She asked.  Madison tilted her head, minorly confused, "Girl he is worried about you."  Madison sighed.

"Nia, I can't have sex.  Did you miss that?  He's going to cheat on me for not being able to perform my girlfriendly duties." Nia laughed.

"No one said you can't have sex.  You just can't take your birth control.  And he isn't going to cheat on you or dump you because I know that's where your head is going.  He isn't that shallow.  And he loves you."  Madison bit her lip.  She literally sounded like a crazy person.  Royalty came back into the room, handing Madison her phone. 

"Daddy said he would call you later.," She wrapped her arms around Madison and hugged her, "and he said thats from him and he loves you baby." Royalty smiled big as Madison hugged her back.

"Pretty sure that's the best hug your dad has ever given me." Madison joked, kissing the top of her head. 

"Food is here!!" Joyce yelled from the kitchen. Royalty let go of Madson and ran into the kitchen.  Madison and Nia stood up from the couch and walked together. 

"Hey, if you need anything, you know I am here right?" Nia said.  Madison smiled and nodded.

"I know thank you."  

They all sat down at the table, eating and talking.  For the first time all day, Madison felt normal.  Nia and Royalty left and she had found herself back in Chris's bed.  She had everything she could ever want.  A great job.  Amazing friends.  A boyfriend who would stop the world if he could for her.  She wasn't about to let one little health scare ruin her life. She smiled, curling up into the blankets, waiting for Chris to call her.  

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