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"MADISON!!!., He yelled, running into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom.  His heart dropped when he realized she wasn't in there.  He walked down the hallway and stopped at her closet.  There she was, sitting on the floor, her suitcase open as tears streamed down her face, "Will you just listen to me?"  She shook he head, tossing clothes into the suitcase.

"No thank you."  

"Look, I know I should have told you about the texts and the calls.  I get that now.  I was trying to protect you.  I didn't even want to go to that store.  But you love it there.  That's why I brought Corey.."  She rolled her eyes, looking up at him. 

"Why are you telling me all of this now?  I'm your wife, Chris.  You can literally tell me anything. And we would have handled it.  Together."  He groaned, sitting down on the floor in front of her. 

"I was trying to protect you.  You were so upset the day that she gave me her number over your dream.." She looked at him and glared.

"Wait.  Whoa.  Back the fuck up.  You've had her number for months now??  Fucking wonderful."  

"I didn't use it!!!!  I threw it away.  And then she got my number and was texting me. I never texted her back. I swear."  

"So this happened BEFORE our wedding?  Am I understanding this correctly?"  He nodded, looking down at the floor.  She stood up, looking down at him on the floor.

"So a month. This has been going on for a month.  And I am just finding out about it now.  But you didn't do anything?  So that's why it's been a secret."  She rolled her eyes, walking out of the closet.  He scrambled to follow her.  He found her in the bathroom, grabbing items from the counter.

"I get where I made the mistake.  I should have been honest and up front with you from the beginning. I really thought I was doing the right thing by ignoring it all together."  She glared at him.

"Aww you get where you made your mistake?  Do you?"  She rolled her eyes, walking past him again.  He groaned, following her. 

"Can you please just stop and talk?" She shook her head, tossing stuff into a bag she had on the bed.

"No I will not.  I'm staying with Mads for a few days.  I need to be away from you."  He sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"I leave for tour in 2 days.  I'd like to have this all figured out before I leave." She stared at him.

"You're joking me right?  Like you're kidding?  You've been keeping secrets from me for over a month and you want it to be "fixed" before you leave for tour in 2 days?  Let me get right on that." She rolled her eyes. 

"Can you at least just stay here and not to Mads's house?"

"It's MY house.  I never sold it.  I let Mads live there.  So I would be going HOME." 

"This is your home..." She looked at him and shook her head.

"This is pissing me off.  That's what this is."  She stormed out of the room and he rubbed his head, letting out a scream before following her, 

"I'll sleep in Aeko's room.  I won't bother you.  I just.. Can you please just stay here?  All your clothes are here.. And my clothes..." She sighed, staring down at the bag she was packing.

"I did pack clothes that won't fit me....." He smiled, staring at her.

"Kinda impressed that for once, you aren't organized with packing.." She sighed, trying to fight the urge to smile at his joke.

"I'll stay... But I don't want you near me.  I don't want to see you or talk to you."  He nodded, picking up her suitcase. 

"Whatever you want to do.  When you're ready to talk, I'm here."  She stared at him, rubbing her stomach. 

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