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Madison stared out the window of the plane, her conversation with Aeko replaying over and over in her head.  Chris must have asked her over fifty tines what was wrong with her.  He held her hand in the airport, and posed for pictures as she stood motionless, forcing smiles onto her face and waving when she needed too. She felt Chris grab her hand and she sighed softly, focusing her attention to him. 

"You're being really quiet." He said.  She shrugged, looking at him.

"I don't really have anything to say."  He stared at her.

"Did US Weekly answer you?" She sighed.

"I don't know.  You asked me to not work. so I am not working."  He bit his bottom lip, trying to figure out what to say next. 

"Do you feel okay?" She rolled her eyes.

"As okay as a pregnant woman could feel., " He let out a soft groan and she slid her hand out of his, standing up, "I'm going to go talk to Nia."  She walked by him and made her way to Nia and Royalty, "Hey Ro, can you go sit with your dad for a bit?  I need to talk to your mom." Royalty nodded, making her way back to Chris as Madison sat down. 

"What's up?" Nia asked.  Madison sighed, looking at her friend.

"Can I talk to you?  And not make it obvious of what we are talking about?" Nia nodded, pulling her knees up to chest. 

"Of course."  

"And can you promise me that you're not going to go all crazy?" Nia laughed and nodded.

"I don't do crazy on planes girl. You got my word.  When this shit lands though, I can't promise nothing."  Madison sighed, placing her hand on her stomach. 

"Do you think Chris would cheat on me?"  Nia blinked.

"Excuse me, what?"  Madison stared at her.

"Do you think Chris would cheat on me?"  Nia stared at her.

"With who?  Madison, I haven't seen this man this obsessed with anyone besides himself for a while."  

"Ammika."  Nia rolled her eyes,

"Madison.. No... Just no.  That ship sailed as soon as you walked into his life."  Madison sighed, staring down at her wedding ring.

"Aeko said he spent the night there."  NIa's eyes got big.  

"Oh, Imma fuck his ass up."  

"Nia.... you said you wouldn't cause a scene." Nia rolled her eyes, her hands balled into a fist. 

"Well... I lied." Madison grabbed her hands.

"You just said he wouldn't do it." Nia groaned. 

"He wouldn't but the fact that he let the thought get into your head." Madison sighed and looked at her friend. 

"I just... maybe Aeko is confused?" Nia sighed, relaxing into her seat.

"Look, I am not going to lie to you, Chris has slept at my place before.  Way before you came into the picture.  Nothing happened though.  It was just more for Royalty than anything.  Maybe that is what happened.  But you'd have to ask him or her."  Madison groaned. 

"He didn't even tell me about his little sleep over." 

"Maybe there isn't anything to tell."  Madison sighed, rubbing her stomach. 

"I'm just going to call and ask her.  If I don't like what she has to say, I am asking him."  Nia smiled.

"There ya go.  And then I will beat both their asses."  Madison laughed, shaking her head, noticing Tyga was staring at them. 

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